Thank you bbadmin. Your reply above do the tricks. But you missed Classes in the registry path/tree. it should read:bbadmin wrote:Hmmm. TextPad assumes that the CLSID key exists, so that's what's going wrong. As a workaround:I hope that works!
- In TextPad, uncheck the Context Menu option and click Apply.
- In regedit.exe, right click HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and choose New Key.
- Type CLSID and click OK.
- Back in TextPad check the Context Menu option and click Apply.
- In TextPad, uncheck the Context Menu option and click Apply.
- In regedit.exe, right click HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes and choose New Key.
- Type CLSID and click OK.
- Back in TextPad check the Context Menu option and click Apply.