Quality toolbar pictures

General questions about using TextPad

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Quality toolbar pictures

Post by aweb7 »

Just updated to TextPad 6 on my Win7-machine. The pictures of the toolbar look pretty bad. Is there something I can do about this? Actually I love TextPad very much, but it does not look good.
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Post by ak47wong »

The 90s-era toolbar icons are indeed hideous, but unfortunately we're stuck with them. They're ugly enough to make me disable all the toolbars.
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it seem to be on the wishlist quiet some time: I do agree!

Post by aweb7 »

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:59 pm Post by matthewslyman: Toolbar icons either too small or too big - need redesign

I am not going to raise the need for new textpad version issue once again.
I think textpad is a very fast and reliable editor. I don't think there are major features missing from the current version - I say keep in small, fast and reliable.

What really bothers me is how textpad looks.
Most users deeply cares about the looks of the applications they are using. I am a professional software developer, and I recently upgraded my development machine to vista, mainly because it looks good.
People I work with are amazed with the stuff I can pull with textpad. I am proud to work with such a powerful editor, yet embarrassed of how ancient it looks.

If I am to name the easiest and most satisfying change needed in textpad, it would be updated toolbar icons. The toolbar is the front page of the application. Don't change any line of code in textpad 4.7.3 - Just update the toolbar icons to something more professional and release it as soon as possible - How hard can that be?
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Post by Jake »

I, too, am using Win 7 for the first time on a new computer but my observation is not so much a criticism of old icon graphics but rather in the spacing between each menu bar icon. Running in 1920x1080 resolution, the icons are so close together that they almost overlap. It looks hideous.

Other than that, I am LOVING running TP (and everything else for that matter) on my new box.
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TextPad is the best for me

Post by aweb7 »

I just had a look at some other editors. TextPad matches my needs the best (but still don't like the icons...)
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Post by tycho »

Actually, I kind of like the toolbar in 5.4.2, but yeah it is a bit dated. Anyway you should be able to modify the icons for your own needs using 'Resource Hacker' or any other resource editor. I just realized there is an option in textpad to use large toolbar icons. Indeed, that looks hideous!
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