Missing help in non-English version switched to English

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Missing help in non-English version switched to English

Post by woho »


I'm using the German interface. (txpdeu531.exe for install)
'.., with the English user interface, plus one other language,..' as http://www.textpad.com/download/index.html informs.

From the german (and I guess from each non-English) version I cannot access any Textpad Online help after switching to English user interface (preferences/language)

I'd like to use this e.g when writing here in the forum.
So I switch to English userinterface (after having closed all the open TextPad instances ;-)) to get the correct English names of menus/dialogs/commands.

When I click Help/Help topics an dialog 'Windows help' is opened:
'Cannot find the C:\...\TXPAADENG.HLP file. Do you want to try to find this file yourself ?' => Yes
=> Windows file open dialog with 'TXPADENG.HLP' as default
=> choosing TxPdDeu.chm (The german Helpfile, because no other *.chm is there)
=> New 'Windows Help' Dialog: The ...TxPadDeu.chm file is not a Windows Help file, or the file is corrupted.'

As I understand it checks for an old windows help file format *.hlp instead of the newer *.chm.

Using WinXP/SP3 here.

It would be nice to have some online help - preferably the same language as the user interface - accessible directly from TextPad menus in non-English install versions switched to English language.

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