Save my text file as an Html file with formating

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Save my text file as an Html file with formating

Post by pitcher »

I bought textpad and so far I love it. I went under

Configure / Preferences / Document Classes / Text / Colors

And changed the settings. Now when i open up my boring text files they look great. The back ground is black the font is blue, and key words are highlighted green.

Now i want to save my text file as an HTML file and i want all the colors to be saved as well. Right now when i go to

File / save as
And then i choose HTML, my html file looks all boring black and white with no carriage returns and no layout saved.

Is there some add on or built in features that can help me?
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Post by SteveH »

It sounds as though you may have configured the document class text to give you the formatting you desire but are then saving the file as an html file. Is this correct?

The option to save as html is for when saving HTML file it is not for saving a version of the file you see on screen using HTML to format the layout.

Hope this helps.
Running TextPad 5.4 on Windows XP SP3 and on OS X 10.7 under VMWare or Crossover.
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Post by pitcher »

ya thats the sticky point. Text pad is doing a TON of formatting for me. and i love it. Lots of colors are being applied to different text. If i had to make all of those changes in html i would go crazy.

i have been building webpages for years and if i were to open up my html editor, i could grab some text and say ... be green. and then i can grab some other text and modify the html tags and say you are Blue. however if i have a text file that is 50 pages, i don't want to have to do this to 50,000 individual words.

I would think that people who use Textpad to write code or anything else who have everything formatted with colors, and then want to share that code with some one else would also want to pass along the formatting that helps the data to be read in a pleasing format.

When i use Visual Studio 2008 for example and i grab my code and copy it and then paste it into Word, all the keywords are still highlighted. the formatting (layout and colors) are all copied to word.
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Post by ben_josephs »

Select the text.
Edit | Copy Other | As a HTML Page
Paste into a fresh document.
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Mike Olds
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Post by Mike Olds »


EDIT: Ben's note above will insert basic html coding to a text file that does not have it, but will not copy the txt file color scheme.

My suggestion:

I don't know if this will work, (I don't want to mess with my own color schemes and syntax files!), but seems logical:

If what you want to do is to save a text file as html with the same color-scheme as you are using for the text file, try setting up the 'color' scheme under Document Class>html in the same way you have it set up for your txt files.

If your color scheme for 'syntax' definitions for html conflict you might have some adjusting to do.

But what you are talking about is appearance in TextPad, not appearance of the file in a browser. In no case do the colors for the TextPad display affect the look in the browser. To make changes to the text file saved in html that will appear in the browser you will need to add the appropriate html tags. For this, the way I hear your description of the problem, you would be advised to use search and replace.
Thank you, and
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Post by pitcher »

Actually ben_josephs suggestion worked perfectly.

If i select all of my text in my file
Edit | Copy Other | As a HTML Page

i can then open up Front page or some other HTML editor, and all of my formatting and colors are copied. the only thing that didnt copy was my font.
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Mike Olds
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Post by Mike Olds »

Interesting! Thanks for posting a follow-up.
Thank you, and
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