Zoom in / zoom out for screen font

Ideas for new features

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Zoom in / zoom out for screen font

Post by abramson »

Hi. I know that this topic has been mentioned before. I want to keep it alive, now that I see that TextPad is fortunately still under development.

I have been using TextPad for many years as a code and general editor. As years go by and eyesight dwindles, I have found that the ability to change screen fonts size at the strike of key, found in many other modern editors, is extremely useful. *****, and many others, as well as Firefox, have bound this behavior to Ctrl-+ and Ctrl--.


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Zoom in / zoom out for screen font

Post by jdfrost »

I second this request. It's the only thing that Note++ has over TextPad.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:19 am

zoom would be nice

Post by greenautumn »

I kicked it today :)
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