Msg: Windows cannot find 'filename'. Make sure you typed the

General questions about using TextPad

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Msg: Windows cannot find 'filename'. Make sure you typed the

Post by jb2233 »

After installing TP 5.3.1 over 4.x whenever I double click on a TP associated file I get windows message:

"Windows cannot find 'filename'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button and then click Search."
The file is opened in the background, and the message can be closed.

This only happens for TP associated files (eg .txt) not other file types (e.g. .doc or .xls).

I'm running XP SP3.
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Mike Olds
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Post by Mike Olds »

Same problem. W2k Sp4

Double-clicking a '.conf' file got the above message and behavior.

Changing the association did not change the issue.

I also used the TPLink2000 utility. Some files open properly some not.
In my case .txt opens properly.

In Configure>Preferences>General I tried 'Replace Notepad' and got a dialog telling me I needed to be Administration to use the program and it gives me a password login. I am Admin and I put in the proper password and the dialog disappears and the 'Replace Notepad' checkbox is again unchecked. Round and round.
Thank you, and
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Same Problem

Post by Shay »

I have this problem as well, is there anything that can be done about it?
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I found a solution that solved this problem for me ...

Post by KK_Wenz »


I am a long-time TP user and have never had this problem before, but after needing to re-image my machine, I re-installed TP 5.3.1 and started getting that same error message every time I tried to open a .TXT datafile.

As info, when I was installing TP, I had gone into the File Types and associated the TXT file type extension with TextPad, so Windows Explorer would show the TP icon beside all of my text files.

The solution to the error message problem which seems to be working for me was:

1) Open Windows Explorer.
2) Click on: Tools - Folder Options - File Types
3) Scroll down to the line with the TXT extension and click on it.
4) Click on Advanced.
5) Click on the "open" Action and then click on Edit.
6) Remove the "-s" parameter near the end of the command line and adding "%1"

The old command line was:
"C:\Program Files\TextPad 5\TextPad.exe" -s

I changed it to:
"C:\Program Files\TextPad 5\TextPad.exe" %1

7) I erased everything that was in the DDE Message box (ie. the
[(open("%1")] string).

After doing that, the error message went away.

I was having the same problem with SQL files and solved the problem the same way as described above, by modifying the command line for the SQL file type extension.

Hope this works for you.
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