how do i get textpad to work with java

Using the Java SDK with TextPad

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how do i get textpad to work with java

Post by drg »

I'm taking an intro to Java programming course and the teacher wants us to use textpad. I've bought Textpad and have Java 6.7 and 6.14 on my computer but have never figured out how to get textpad to work to compile a program (noteven 'Hello World'. I've talked to my instructor, the tech people at the university and every computer person I know and can't figure out how to get started. Please help me. Can ANYONE tell me what to do. I can't get started and I've been working on this problem for over a year. PLEASE HELP - ANYBODY. Thanks
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Post by Jdowden »

Hi I'm a newbie to Textpad as well but I found that and it worked for compling and running Java. To check if you have the setings correct go to:

Configure > Perferences > Tools

There you should see: Compile Java, Run Java, Run Java Applet.

If not add them.

Then go to Tools > External Tools. The three options should be there. Once you are at this stage you can compile and run from texpad to your hearts content. hope this helps.
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using textpad with java

Post by drg »

I've done everything exactly as you suggested but I just keep getting pages of error codes and something about 'exit 2'. It just doesn't work.
I've spent another 4-5 hours erasing and reloading both java and textpad. Is there anyway someone can talk me through this because i've probably spent upwards of 100 hours total trying to get this software to function and it just won't. Thanks.
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Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:59 pm

Post by eriknox »

I know this is probably to late, but I had masive problems with JDK for windows 64 bit. I unistalled it and reinstalled 32 bit and it worked fine. Make sure you install JDK then Install Textpad.
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