Vertical Scroll bars in 'Window splits'.

Ideas for new features

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Vertical Scroll bars in 'Window splits'.

Post by BryceS »


I would like to suggest Vertical scroll bars be added to 'window splits' for when you have 'side by side' frames.

I have a dual monitor setup - with textpad opened across both monitors I can do a vertical split - one part of file in left monitor, another part in right monitor.
However, they are always the same part and useless because I can not scroll them independently of each other!

With dual monitor setups, and widescreens, becoming more prevalent I would like to see this feature added so as vertical split screens can actually be useful.

(When I only had a single monitor I only ever used a horizontal split to see different parts of the same file - and it worked well as both frames had their own vertical scroll bar - it didn't bother me that there was only one horizontal scroll bar as the code nearly always fitted the viewable window anyway).

Bryce Stenberg
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I hope to see vertical scroll bars too

Post by donjiro »


I'm wondering if Helios is still working on enhancements to Textpad, seeing that the last update to the tool was 2004.

I agree with BryceS. It is very useful to be able to see different section of the file using vertical window splits. With my PC/WinXP, I also find that when I scroll, both the left and the right panes scroll together. Making it pointless to do a vertical window split.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. If there is a way to allow me to do a Window split and scroll the left and right windows independently, it will be really helpful.

I've been using Textpad for 5+ years and love it. However, the inability to do a useful vertical window split drives me to look for other text editors every so often.

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I brought this up years ago

Post by jeronimo479 »

And had some idiot argue with us for months that verticle splits was perfect as implemented. I agree with you that there needs to be a way to split the screen vertically then see different lines (rows) in each split. Right now, you can only see different columns, which to me is completely useless.

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Post by whitehedge »

I agree -- the two sides of a vertical split should be independently scrollable, the feature seems pointless as it stands.
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How to fudge vertical split + independent scroll

Post by Cloink »

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Post by IanOfYork »

Still keen to have the two views scroll independently -- otherwise why have the option to split?
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