cursor position problem (5.3.1)

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cursor position problem (5.3.1)

Post by Ulf »


yesterday I updated TextPad from version 5.2 to 5.3.1 (Windows XP).
I use several fonts for several purposes. So I use the Junicode font for writing long text, because line spacing and type face are good.

When I write and reach the last third of the line (line length 70 chars), the cursor position will get more and more unprecise. At the end of the line the cursor is positioned over the center of the letter.

In version 5.2 does not exist this problem.

Any idea?

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Post by paleolith »

No idea, but I'm definitely having the same problem. Just upgraded from 5.2 to 5.3.1 for no good reason except it was there. I'm probably going to have to drop back.

It's difficult to describe exactly what's going on. Heck, it's hard to determine what's going on. In some cases, holding the down arrow will result in the cursor jumping from the bottom to the top. (A couple of trailing newlines seem to take care of this.) But the cursor will just jump from one line to the next arbitrarily.

Note that this is with word wrap enabled and text wrapped into several lines.

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Post by paleolith »

It seems to happen more with text pasted into a new file, but I've only worked with one sample.

It seems that TP is computing the cursor position based on an incorrect character width when the cursor is more than n positions from the left edge. n varies; I have seen it =52 and =17. You can tell because the cursor isn't even between characters, and moves less than half a character width when you press a left or right arrow.

TP knows what characters the cursor is in, just displays it incorrectly. In other words, if I start with the cursor in a known position and move it blindly (ignoring the erroneous feedback) to another position and start typing, the new characters are inserted in the correct position. However, this does not correct the bad cursor display.

I THINK I had a window set up with two paragraphs, where the cursor worked correctly in one but not in the other, but I can't reproduce that now.

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Post by paleolith »

Has no one but me and Ulf seen this problem? I haven't backed off to 5.2 yet, but I'm going to have to soon. The problem is far too severe to put up with for long.

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Post by paleolith »

After a good bit of typing, it became clear that the problem occurs when (and only when) there's a period in the line. I can be typing along and everything's fine, hit period, cursor jumps to incorrect position. Pasting in text containing a period elicits the problem. Just clicking in a line containing a period elicits the problem.

Sure would like this one to be fixed soon. Otherwise my feelings about TextPad are going to be colored for years to come with the annoyance of this silly problem.

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Post by paleolith »

I give up. I'm downgrading to 5.2. I can't take this any more. I don't know whether most users aren't having this problem, or if they just aren't on the forums. It's pretty much a "totally broken" situation for me.

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Post by Ulf »

Yes, the problem is still alive and no solution on the horizon! Here are two images to show the wrong cursor position in Textpad 5.3.1:





Now I go back to Textpad 5.2 and I don't know what the future of Texpad will be ...

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Post by paleolith »

Ulf: thanks for the screen shots. It looks like you encounter this problem in the same place I do: when the cursor is (should be!) to the right of a period on the displayed line. Also, like me, you are using a non-standard font (HVraster in my case, Junicode in your case).

Do you have the problem with any other fonts? (I don't.)

You say you have the problem under XP. Is it 32-bit or 64-bit? I ask because I installed TextPad 5.3.1 on an XP system and did not see the problem. However, my XP installation is 32-bit and my Vista installation is 64-bit, so I can't tell whether the problem is XP vs Vista or 32-bit vs 64-bit.

I have sent email to the provider of the HVraster font and will post back if I get any useful information.

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Post by Ulf »

Hello Edward,

thanks for your answer!

No, I have this problem only with Junicode - but only in Textpad. Other editors like TED Notepad, Notepad++ or gedit are working precisely with Junicode. But they are not so marvelous like Textpad ...

I'm using Windows XP Professional 32 Bit, Version 2002, Service Pack 3 on a DELL INSPIRON 510 m.

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