Finally!!! Upgraded from 4.7 to 5.3

General questions about using TextPad

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Finally!!! Upgraded from 4.7 to 5.3

Post by jeffy »

Long time forum users will know me. I've been a huge TextPad fan for years, and was an active member in the forums some years back.

I have tried each upgrade version since 4.7.*, from howEVER many years ago, and have been quite displeased with each one. Blatant instabilities and other problems really shined through, especially in the first 5.* versions. I agree with most that it was a beta disguised as a major release.

5.3 is FINALLY the first version I am comfortable using every day. Have only had a rare crash, and no major behavior from 4.7 seems to be missing.

It honestly doesn't feel like a major upgrade, aside from the much-better use of screen-real-estate (with smoother and more flexible tabbing and with the "pinning" and "auto-hiding" of items like the explorer, command results, clip library), but it is nice that TextPad is finally stable and the awesome program I have always known it to be.

So...THANKS! :' )
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Post by jeffy »

P.S. From the enhancement forum (sorry, I couldn't resist :' )

Actually, a few items have indeed been implemented. Cool.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Code: Select all

MV   RNK  ID    {5  4  3  2  1 } TOT WT   AVG VOTE
++1  1    3775  {90 30 7  3  5 }  135 197  4.459   Editable Macros
--1  2    3764  {82 42 12 6  3 }  145 194  4.337   Expand/Collapse blocks of text
000  3    3773  {43 24 9  4  1 }  81  104  4.283   Additional attributes for syntax hig...
000  4    4447  {44 10 2  1  1 }  58  95   4.637   Export/Import Textpad settings
++1  5    3787  {39 22 6  3  2 }  72  93   4.291   Show matching brackets
--1  6    4216  {44 15 10 4  3 }  76  93   4.223   Treeview in the document selector
000  7    4291  {38 20 5  8  3 }  74  82   4.108   Auto-Complete
000  8    4123  {33 10 0  3  0 }  46  73   4.586   binary file improvements
000  9    4777  {33 3  0  1  1 }  38  66   4.736   Unicode Conformance
++1  10   5121  {23 16 6  1  0 }  46  61   4.326   Find and Replace - Grand Unification...
--1  11   3846  {20 23 6  6  2 }  57  53   3.929   Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
000  12   4309  {22 5  3  0  0 }  30  49   4.633   Add support for Perl5/JavaScript reg...
++1  13   3890  {17 12 2  0  0 }  31  46   4.483   Larger fields for Search/Replace
--1  14   3777  {21 10 7  5  1 }  44  45   4.022   Syntax highlight for embedded languages
000  15   3858  {13 15 3  0  1 }  32  39   4.218   Dockable Command Results and Search ...
000  16   3933  {21 3  8  4  3 }  39  35   3.897   Method List for Current File
++5  17   4382  {10 14 1  1  0 }  26  33   4.269   suppress "Another application has up...
--1  18   3997  {12 12 1  3  0 }  28  33   4.178   Auto Comment Code
--1  19   3836  {12 9  3  2  0 }  26  31   4.192   Flexible 'alignment' function
--1  20   5051  {10 10 8  1  0 }  29  29   4.0     Undo: Remember selected text
--1  21   3983  {12 4  3  1  0 }  20  27   4.35    Ability to re-order files in a works...
--1  22   5146  {19 16 6  15 6 }  62  27   3.435   TextPad for Linux
++1  23   4521  {9  7  3  3  0 }  22  22   4.0     Should "File change" check interval ...
++2  24   4727  {7  10 1  3  0 }  21  21   4.0     Configurable right click context sen...
--2  25   4184  {9  6  5  4  0 }  24  20   3.833   32 bit Unicode encoding
--1  26   3785  {7  13 4  5  1 }  30  20   3.666   Reload and reapply syntax definition
000  27   4726  {10 4  4  3  1 }  22  19   3.863   Sorting document tabs
000  28   4379  {8  6  10 3  0 }  27  19   3.703   Do not save files that have never be...
++2  29   4097  {6  12 6  5  0 }  29  19   3.655   Find/replace dialog Font
--1  30   5020  {7  4  2  1  0 }  14  17   4.214   New parameter macros $SelFiles and $...
--1  31   3799  {6  4  2  1  0 }  13  15   4.153   Macro recording on-the-fly text
++2  32   4857  {7  5  4  2  1 }  19  15   3.789   (Some) Tools dependant upon file type!
000  33   5496  {4  7  3  1  0 }  15  14   3.933   Smart brace matching
++2  34   4247  {3  10 4  0  1 }  18  14   3.777   Document selector RIGHT justify
--3  35   4718  {4  6  0  1  0 }  11  13   4.181   Printing, print preview, two column ...
--1  36   4643  {6  3  3  1  1 }  14  12   3.857   Allow working directory to be deleted
000  37   3854  {4  9  4  3  1 }  21  12   3.571   Ability to change icons of user defi...
000  38   3779  {5  2  6  0  1 }  14  10   3.714   Workgroup features -- Color settings
++7  39   5706  {5  1  0  2  0 }  8   9    4.125   code completion
--1  40   3782  {2  5  4  0  0 }  11  9    3.818   Macros that don't change selection a...
--1  41   4115  {4  1  6  0  0 }  11  9    3.818   Strip Trailing Spaces command
--1  42   4151  {4  2  4  1  0 }  11  9    3.818   Multiple Document Splitters
--1  43   3822  {3  7  8  2  1 }  21  9    3.428   Keyboard Shortcut Map
--1  44   4441  {4  2  1  0  1 }  8   8    4.0     Perl syntax: recognize double-quotes...
--1  45   3855  {3  6  5  2  1 }  17  8    3.470   An output window tab for each user d...
--1  46   3866  {3  5  6  4  0 }  18  7    3.388   Friendlier Tab-Stops
+11  47   3781  {4  6  5  3  2 }  20  7    3.35    Auto-save empty workspaces
++6  48   4014  {6  4  5  7  1 }  23  7    3.304   Allow Syntax Highlighting of a parti...
--2  49   4318  {3  1  1  1  0 }  6   6    4.0     Suppress syntax coloring during mult...
--2  50   4121  {3  4  3  2  1 }  13  6    3.461   * disrupts the stacked tabs
--2  51   3959  {2  5  4  3  0 }  14  6    3.428   Small and easy: Duplicate Current Line
--1  52   3843  {2  4  7  2  0 }  15  6    3.4     Scripted Regular Expressions
--3  53   5458  {3  3  7  1  1 }  15  6    3.4     More than 16 recent workspaces / files
--2  54   3786  {4  4  4  2  2 }  16  6    3.375   Temporarily associate doc to another...
--2  55   3780  {2  8  1  4  1 }  16  6    3.375   Scoping most configuration to Docume...
***  56   5737  {3  3  0  2  1 }  9   5    3.555   Systray Icon Naming
--2  57   4243  {2  3  4  0  1 }  10  5    3.5     Intel hex converting - HEX to BIN to...
++2  58   5018  {1  5  2  2  0 }  10  5    3.5     Allow background colour setting by n...
++7  59   5155  {3  1  4  2  0 }  10  5    3.5     Syntax highlighting for D (nested co...
++9  60   4249  {2  6  2  1  2 }  13  5    3.384   TB buttons:  Find-next and -previous
--5  61   4169  {6  1  2  2  3 }  14  5    3.357   Change font size button on toolbar
000  62   5017  {4  4  1  3  2 }  14  5    3.357   Who would like syntax definition to ...
--6  63   3783  {3  4  5  1  2 }  15  5    3.333   Add a small amount of dynamics to cl...
--1  64   5472  {1  6  5  3  0 }  15  5    3.333   Word wrap cut-off indicator
--6  65   4160  {1  2  4  0  0 }  7   4    3.571   Make macros easier to use
***  66   5752  {1  4  2  2  0 }  9   4    3.444   Copy entry from Clipboard History ba...
--6  67   3807  {3  2  6  0  2 }  13  4    3.307   www ip address and root folder saved...
--4  68   3784  {2  8  2  4  2 }  18  4    3.222   Three command keys
--4  69   4146  {1  3  1  0  1 }  6   3    3.5     Copy as Rich Text
--3  70   5584  {2  2  1  1  1 }  7   3    3.428   Suggestion: integrated text file com...
--3  71   4553  {2  2  2  3  0 }  9   3    3.333   Split Send command in 2: Send as tex...
***  72   5738  {2  2  3  1  1 }  9   3    3.333   Open Workspaces in new Instance of T...
--3  73   4288  {3  5  1  2  3 }  14  3    3.214   custom toolbar icons
--3  74   4796  {2  3  0  1  2 }  8   2    3.25    The Scope of Search And Replace (rep...
--2  75   3982  {2  0  5  2  0 }  9   2    3.222   Files in a workspace should retain t...
--2  76   3794  {1  3  6  1  1 }  12  2    3.166   Preferences->File->Keep files locked...
--2  77   3856  {0  5  4  3  0 }  12  2    3.166   User-defined Hyperlinks
--2  78   3844  {2  5  4  3  2 }  16  2    3.125   Clipboard Tool Parameter
--1  79   4125  {0  1  2  0  0 }  3   1    3.333   Just a *small* bug
--3  80   5508  {0  1  2  0  0 }  3   1    3.333   Remember the last value entered in t...
--9  81   5050  {1  1  5  2  0 }  9   1    3.111   Autoscroll-selecting in long lines
--3  82   3767  {8  4  6  8  6 }  32  0    3.0     Explorer-style Navigator
--3  83   5058  {1  1  0  1  1 }  4   0    3.0     Bookmarks should be undoable (low pr...
--3  84   3909  {1  6  3  3  3 }  16  -1   2.937   View horiz scrollbar only when word ...
--3  85   3902  {2  3  2  4  2 }  13  -1   2.923   Enhanced Backup
--3  86   4119  {1  3  2  2  2 }  10  -1   2.9     Change case buttons
***  87   5742  {3  1  1  2  3 }  10  -1   2.9     Tab or comma-separated files with Te...
--4  88   4128  {1  2  1  1  2 }  7   -1   2.857   original text twice after applying c...
--4  89   4474  {0  2  1  1  1 }  5   -1   2.8     cmd.exe replacement for DOS command ...
--3  90   4248  {1  0  2  0  2 }  5   -2   2.6     Don't move cursor when saving and st...
--5  91   4934  {3  6  3  7  4 }  23  -3   2.869   Delete Duplicate Lines (without sort...
000  92   4970  {3  2  3  5  3 }  16  -3   2.812   Numeric Sort in Document Selector
--5  93   3792  {1  3  6  2  3 }  15  -3   2.8     word wrap
--5  94   4120  {0  4  0  3  2 }  9   -3   2.666   save undo and redo buffers
--5  95   3766  {2  6  2  10 2 }  22  -4   2.818   Vertical Split - looped scrolli
--5  96   4122  {0  3  3  1  3 }  10  -4   2.6     undo reload updated file
--4  97   3961  {1  2  4  5  3 }  15  -7   2.533   Small and easy: Back and Forward button
--4  98   3934  {1  1  1  4  3 }  10  -7   2.3     Refactor Tool Support
***  99   5789  {0  0  2  1  3 }  6   -7   1.833   Create a forum for bugs/issues/quirks
--5  100  4284  {14 6  5  12 15}  52  -8   2.846   Remotely edit files via FTP (repost)
--5  101  4116  {1  3  10 5  7 }  26  -14  2.461   TextPad icon on context menus, like ...
--5  102  4124  {0  0  1  1  7 }  9   -15  1.333   a silly one
          {911 641 373 263 153}  2341 1894 3.809
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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Welcome back Jeffy!

We haven't seen your enhancement request summary in a long while, a familiar looking friend.

I am still using 4.73. But after your brief review, I may be willing to finally give 5.3 a try.
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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Post by Britt »

I downloaded version 5.3 to look it over. It's still missing the "Word wrap cut-off indicator" (e.g. vertical line in user specified column). Until TextPad gets this basic feature that almost every other editor has, I'll just stick with version 4.7.3.

- Britt
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Post by Drxenos »


I, too, am still using 4.7.3 until the 5.x line matures. What was your impetus for upgrading? There are any features from 4.x you find missing?

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Post by ak47wong »

You guys are die-hards!
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Post by Drxenos »

ak47wong wrote:You guys are die-hards!
No, I just don't upgrade working tools without a reason. The version I have suits my needs. Unless a new version fixes a bug affecting me, or adds a feature I am interested in, I don't see a reason to perturbation my system.

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Post by jeffy »

Drxenos wrote:Jeffy:

I, too, am still using 4.7.3 until the 5.x line matures. What was your impetus for upgrading? There are any features from 4.x you find missing?
My impetus? I'm just always interested in trying the new version.

There are a few missing features, but nothing major. The first that comes to mind is you can no longer click the greyed-out "save" button, which in 4.7.* would allow you to "save as".

The new features I see, which aren't much, are the Incremental Find (cool, but not nearly a most-requested feature), and the much better use of screen real estate.

But I've not had more than one crash in quite a lot of usage, and zero strange behavior. Good for me!

Hope that helps :' )
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Time To Upgrade?

Post by TheSQLGuru »

I too am still on 4.7.3, but based on what I see about 5.3.1 I may upgrade as well.
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Post by hillsc »

I also stuck with 4.7.3 until last Friday (2010-10-29) when I needed to reinstall Textpad on a brand-new Windows 7 installation. Today I think I'm going to switch back.

I wanted to ask what was new in TextPad 5 and what made it a major upgrade. Aside from the fact that it was completely rewritten in .NET, I still don't see what makes this a major version upgrade. I browsed the "What's New" bullet points and saw things like this:

* Improved appearance of checkboxes.
* Help menu commands did not work.
* TextPad adopts appearance of Windows Classic theme.
* Save As button on the toolbar.
* Dockable File Explorer.

Then I compare that to this thread where the OP is happy that 5.x is finally stable after three years. And I browse the forums to see how unicode support is coming. I'm just not seeing the need to upgrade.

Especially after my first ten minutes in the program when I tried to minimize a document and I couldn't! I don't like (and I mean *really* don't like) the one-document-at-a-time-tabbed-interface. I immediately switched back to MDI only to immediately discover I can't minimize documents.

Is it possible to have both TextPad 4 and 5 installed together? Or should I completely remove 5 and go back to 4.7?
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Post by hillsc »

Answered my own question: TP4 and TP5 are now running side by side without any visible problems (yet).

I forgot to mention my biggest annoyance with TP5: I defined a Perl document class and clicked Use syntax highlighting with the built-in perl.syn file. Doesn't do any syntax highlighting. I'm sure it must be something I'm doing, otherwise the forums would be quite a bit noisier on this topic. But my new TP4 install shows syntax highlighting just fine.

Sticking with 4.7.3. Please don't ever remove the links for it, Helios. :)
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Post by talleyrand »

Syntax highlighting is only applied when a file is first opened or when you explicitly define it on a per file basis via the right-click properties menu. Assigning a syntax file to a class does not affect files already open.

If you were to re-open those perl files in 5.x you would see the syntax highlighting applied
I choose to fight with a sack of angry cats.
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Post by hillsc »

Understood. This isn't my first new document class. :)

I can't yet rule out pebcak, but I have indeed quit and restarted TP5 and re-opened the files and they still don't highlight. I added *.pl,*pm as my file types, selected the out-of-the-box perl.syn, and nada. Files continue to display in black and white.

Anyway, as I said, I've become quite comfortable with TextPad 4.x over the last decade or more, shortcomings and all. I'll stick with it as long as I can. I just see no compelling need to upgrade to TP5 when it offers no features that I have any particular interest in and actually removes some features, in some respects.
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