Strange text selection problem

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Strange text selection problem

Post by Javaguru555 »

Hello, I've been using TextPad for a long time and I just installed the new version on my new machine. I opened it up, set all of my personal settings, and loaded up a java file.

However, when I tried to edit it, I noticed something strange; for some reason while selecting text I can only select random parts before it freezes and I can't expand it anymore. I don't release the mouse but it acts like I does.

The amount of time I have to select stuff before it stops seems to be completely random but almost never lasts more than one second. TextPad is the only application on the computer that has this problem.

This is incredibly irritating and it is making it impossible for me to work. PLEASE help me!

Update: I do not have this problem with Textpad 4.7. I'm just reverting to that version for now. I really want to get 5.2 working though.


Update: I think I should mention that this is in no way limited to java files. Once the bug is triggered, any file I open does this, even plain text files. However, only java files trigger the bug.

Update: THIS IS GETTING EVEN WEIRDER! If I uninstall TextPad then reinstall it it works again! But the moment I open a java file it goes back to its old habits! What on earth is going on?!

Update: It's not the java file extension that triggers the problem apparently. It's definitely the java code ITSELF. I turned off syntax recognition completely (to eliminate this as a source of the problem) and named a normal text file and loaded it. Nothing. Then I loaded a real java file with code in it and the problem started again. Also it seems it's not just one particular java file that triggers it. ANY java file with real java code in it will trigger the bug.

Update: Well, I thought I had found a solution but apparently not. I opened my java files in Notepad, and from there copied them into TextPad and saved them. When I reopened them the bug did not trigger, so I thought I had fixed it. However, when I closed TextPad and reopened it, then opened the same files which TextPad had just saved, the bug occurred AGAIN.

BIIIIG Update: Okay I was wrong on several accounts. It's not real java files that trigger this error. It's ANY FILE AT ALL that is opened from a certain directory on my computer. If I move files from the folder to another location and open them the problem does not occur.

The directory in question is my main code directory and can NOT be moved or re-created. What on earth about the folder could be causing this and how can I fix it?

Update: No, actually it's not just one directory. Any file in C:\Program Files or any of its subdirectories will trigger the glitch. Also, for some reason I don't have to uninstall the program to remove the effects of the glitch anymore. Closing the files that triggered it will now make things go back to normal. Not that it really helps, since I've exhausted all possible workarounds.
Last edited by Javaguru555 on Fri May 01, 2009 8:49 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by Javaguru555 »

Wow, what is with the complete and utter nonexistence of support for this application? Did the community just vanish or something?

I post a detailed bug report, get no responses, and end up painstakingly racking my brain for something, anything I can think of to do that I haven't done yet until I finally think I've solved it, only to find that I haven't.

I paid good money for this application and in light of the (free) competition it has, support is a MUST. I'm disappointed. I'm still not giving up though, because this is my favorite program for coding with.
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Re: Wow...

Post by SteveH »

Javaguru555 wrote:Wow, what is with the complete and utter nonexistence of support for this application? Did the community just vanish or something?
Umm, no...

So let's get this right. You post on Thursday, there's no response by mid-day on Friday (less than 24 hours later!), at which point you conclude there's no support for this application.

I take it you're following the steps given on the support page - first searching the forum and then asking in the forum whether any of the "expert users" users can help. You need to appreciate that probably most of us, have 'day jobs' and only check the forums infrequently. I think if there's a secret to getting support requests answered quickly it's to be insistent but polite.

In my case, I did see you post yesterday and spent some time trying to find an answer because I thought something similar had been reported before. I wasn't able to find anything so did not respond.
Running TextPad 5.4 on Windows XP SP3 and on OS X 10.7 under VMWare or Crossover.
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Post by Bob Hansen »

It sounds like you are still trying to isolate the cause of the problem. This does not sound like it is TextPad, so very few people will have the same experience as you. It is tough to provide solutions when it cannot be duplicated.

Also, should this be posted in the Java forum? That would help focus the viewers to those TextPad users who are probably also be Java users, so the viewing population would be more focuesd for this subject.

Re your problem: I wonder about a virus, but hate to blame problems on viruses, that is too easy a way out. But I wonder if your folder somehow modifies the files?

For example, I have a folder that converts any file into a PDF file when a file is saved or copied to that folder. Could you have a folder that does something similar to java files? Maybe adds a header or changes UTF?

And to repeat, this is a user forum, and we are not all sitting here all day. From my experience, most problems posted here have a number of responses within a normal workday, but those are also TextPad issues.

Have you contacted Helios directly about your problem? Good luck, and let us know the cause when you have an answer.
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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Post by Drxenos »

I've been seeing this issue for years. It seems to happen when there is a lot of CPU utilization.
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Re: Strange text selection problem

Post by meirual »

I thought it was caused by the driver for my new Brother laser printer.
Didn't seem to be the only cause though, darn it.

I have the same problem. It happens to me with normal textfiles too.
BTW I'm using version 4.7.3 because I had some minor issues with newer versions.

The only thing I can see that changed recently on my pc is a Java update.
(Although I suppose it could be a malware problem that I haven't found.)

Very annoying problem indeed!


Javaguru555 wrote:Hello, I've been using TextPad for a long time and I just installed the new version on my new machine. I opened it up, set all of my personal settings, and loaded up a java file.

However, when I tried to edit it, I noticed something strange; for some reason while selecting text I can only select random parts before it freezes and I can't expand it anymore. I don't release the mouse but it acts like I does.

The amount of time I have to select stuff before it stops seems to be completely random but almost never lasts more than one second. TextPad is the only application on the computer that has this problem.

This is incredibly irritating and it is making it impossible for me to work. PLEASE help me!

Update: I do not have this problem with Textpad 4.7. I'm just reverting to that version for now. I really want to get 5.2 working though.


Update: I think I should mention that this is in no way limited to java files. Once the bug is triggered, any file I open does this, even plain text files. However, only java files trigger the bug.

Update: THIS IS GETTING EVEN WEIRDER! If I uninstall TextPad then reinstall it it works again! But the moment I open a java file it goes back to its old habits! What on earth is going on?!

Update: It's not the java file extension that triggers the problem apparently. It's definitely the java code ITSELF. I turned off syntax recognition completely (to eliminate this as a source of the problem) and named a normal text file and loaded it. Nothing. Then I loaded a real java file with code in it and the problem started again. Also it seems it's not just one particular java file that triggers it. ANY java file with real java code in it will trigger the bug.

Update: Well, I thought I had found a solution but apparently not. I opened my java files in Notepad, and from there copied them into TextPad and saved them. When I reopened them the bug did not trigger, so I thought I had fixed it. However, when I closed TextPad and reopened it, then opened the same files which TextPad had just saved, the bug occurred AGAIN.

BIIIIG Update: Okay I was wrong on several accounts. It's not real java files that trigger this error. It's ANY FILE AT ALL that is opened from a certain directory on my computer. If I move files from the folder to another location and open them the problem does not occur.

The directory in question is my main code directory and can NOT be moved or re-created. What on earth about the folder could be causing this and how can I fix it?

Update: No, actually it's not just one directory. Any file in C:\Program Files or any of its subdirectories will trigger the glitch. Also, for some reason I don't have to uninstall the program to remove the effects of the glitch anymore. Closing the files that triggered it will now make things go back to normal. Not that it really helps, since I've exhausted all possible workarounds.
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