Reverse Video

Ideas for new features

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Reverse Video

Post by RobertOsada »

Add the ability to easily reverse video (show white on black, instead of black on white). Yes, I see that you could do this by going through each font color and changing it, but how about an easy option, when you want to change things.

Even better: add color themes!
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Post by talleyrand »

While not what you are looking for, perhaps define a second document class that is the inversion of your "normal" class. Only challenge would be making TP click over to the new class. I thought it'd be as simple as right click the background of a document and set it from the properties context menu but to no avail.

Instead, it looks like after defining your new class you would need to
  1. disassociate the extension from the primary class
  2. register the extension with the inverted class
  3. close the open document
  4. reopen the document
Labourous yes, but it might be an option for you until themes or something similar is available.
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Post by SteveH »

You can do as tallyrand suggests and create another syntax definition file that is not assigned to any document class and then manually switch over using the file properties dialog below.
Not pretty but it should work I think.

Hope this helps.
Running TextPad 5.4 on Windows XP SP3 and on OS X 10.7 under VMWare or Crossover.
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