WebDAV support

Ideas for new features

Moderators: AmigoJack, bbadmin, helios, Bob Hansen, MudGuard

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Interest in WebDAV support

Poll ended at Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:16 pm

Why would I ever want that?
Worth a look
Could be quite useful
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Total votes: 10

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WebDAV support

Post by cbg3 »

WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) support in TextPad would make it easier to directly edit documents on remote servers which support WebDAV, without resorting to creating or using an FTP or other Add-On. This would make TextPad especially useful for users of Zope, to help end Zopistas' suffering through TTW editing of DTML documents.

More info on WebDAV can be found at http://webDAV.org.
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WebDav usability

Post by matteg »

I had hoped to find webdav functionality already within Textpad.

I and my IT staff would use it extensively when maintaining web pages served by a Windows Apache Tomcat using the webdav context.

MS Word can open and edit the above webdav folders - but insert so much fancy garbage that I can't stand to use it.

Dreamweaver can be used but seems to be v e r y slow accessing webdav files/folders.

Textpad has been my favorite lightning fast editor for years - I would welcome webdav and would upgrade our ten licenses immediately to achieve the capability.
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Post by loggin »

Can't believe how old this request is and that it hasn't been actioned, if only I was only a MAC I'd use Panic's Coda, but I'm not so I can't.

I have always preferred textpad as my web editor, don't see the point of wysiwyg's I've been hand coding for so long, but in recent years the company that employs me has preferred dreamweaver, but we have got to a point where we are so fed up of the continual crashes and failed connections to the server (other webDAV clients work fine) that it is very likely that we'll be jumping ship soon.

If only TextPad allowed me to open a local directory and the remote site in such a way that I could seamlessly put and get files (webDAV and/or FTP) then I'd be on Cloud 9.....
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Post by peterg »

Count another one for WEBDAV support. I was sure my favorite editor since EMACS would handle this.
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