Tools need a boostershot!

Ideas for new features

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Tools need a boostershot!

Post by javaguy »

i rely heavily on "tools" toolbars for programming.
i have a couple suggestions that i think could make textpad even more awesome.

(1) more than 16. (why not 32?)

(2) proper tool names (for displaying in the tool tips).
right now the default is to display the batch or exe name.
this gets confusing (i have a compile/run bat for python, java and sisc).

(3) the holy grail: user defined 16x16 png (or whatever) image files
for each user tool!

(4) sorry this one is hard to explain...

textpad "variables" for the tool macros (sort of like the env vars).
a lot of the tools could use this. it would be an easily saved/loaded file
with key/value pairs that you can use in the tool parameters (and dare i say in text?).

for example, if im compiling a java project i will have a bunch of
different parameters "javac (...parameters...)". right now i have
to have the textpad tool call a bat/ant/make file because i cant set that
stuff in textpad (i could but id have to change gigantic commands every time i switched projects).

if i could set a key/value within textpad and use that variable in the tool
parameters that would be great.

i would set:
command = javac.exe
parameter = $$compilevar $filename

then i could go to:
configure -> variables
which would just be a dialog with a list of editable key/value pairs

i would set:
key = compilevar
value = -classpath .;a.jar;b.jar -Xmx 128M -Djava... -irefusetouseeclipse

i could save the vars and load them. also, if you used a text format to save the pairs that would really facilitate configuration scripts.

and if you could use these "variables" in text... there would be
SO many possibilities.

in conclusion, what im trying to say is, please dont make me have to
use eclipse. its so slow! thanks.

Re: Tools need a boostershot!

Post by bveldkamp »

javaguy wrote: (3) the holy grail: user defined 16x16 png (or whatever) image files
for each user tool!
It is possible to paste an image from the clipboard: Right click on the Tools toolbar, > Customize > Right click on a tool > Edit Button Image.
javaguy wrote: (4) sorry this one is hard to explain...

textpad "variables" for the tool macros (sort of like the env vars).
a lot of the tools could use this. it would be an easily saved/loaded file
with key/value pairs that you can use in the tool parameters (and dare i say in text?).

for example, if im compiling a java project i will have a bunch of
different parameters "javac (...parameters...)". right now i have
to have the textpad tool call a bat/ant/make file because i cant set that
stuff in textpad (i could but id have to change gigantic commands every time i switched projects).

if i could set a key/value within textpad and use that variable in the tool
parameters that would be great.

i would set:
command = javac.exe
parameter = $$compilevar $filename

then i could go to:
configure -> variables
which would just be a dialog with a list of editable key/value pairs

i would set:
key = compilevar
value = -classpath .;a.jar;b.jar -Xmx 128M -Djava... -irefusetouseeclipse

i could save the vars and load them. also, if you used a text format to save the pairs that would really facilitate configuration scripts
This may not be exactly what you want, but have a look at Configure > Preferences > Environment Variables. If you want to change these often, you could create a registry script that updates them.

Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:00 pm

Post by javaguy »

wow. that is really awesome! you can change their names and i cant believe there is an image editor!

the env variables are the actual system env variables right?
i dont want to play with those. especially not at work.
local textpad-only variables would be great.

thanks for your help.

Post by bveldkamp »

Yes, they are environment variables, but they only apply to the tools you run, not your system. See "How to Customize Environment Variables" in the TP help.
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