An annoying problem when closing several files quickly

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An annoying problem when closing several files quickly

Post by dvdvnr »

Hi all

I think this is a new problem on 5.2 (I certainly don't remember it happening prior to my 5.2 installation and I've been using TextPad since version 3.x). It's not a high proprity problem for me, just an annoyance really.

The problem: I have multiple files open and I want to close down some but not all of them (i.e. I don't want to use the File/Close All option).

What I normally do is select each of the files in turn using the tabs (I always have tabs turned on and set to stacked). Then I repeatedly click the close (X) button on the right of the tab bar for the number of files I want to close. Prior to 5.2 this worked fine, however, on 5.2 if I click too quickly I get the Open File(s) dialog box appear.

I notice that clicking 3 times quickly in the tab bar (but not on the tabs) also brings up the Open File(s) dialog box so I suspect that this has priority over the close button which maybe it shouldn't have. I've looked through the various Preferences options and there doesn't seem to be a way of turning this option off.



Post by bveldkamp »

Instead of using the tabs, you might consider selecting the documents you want to close in the Document Selector. Then right click and choose Close Document(s)
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Post by dvdvnr »

Thanks for the suggestion.

However, I never use the document selector (yeah, I know it's only an F11 press away). I'm one of those people that hate to see the screen cluttered with lists and other stuff that I find of minimal use - which is why I prefer to program using a text editor and not an IDE.

I suppose it's just that I don't want to learn new tricks and TextPad 5.2 has broken (or impaired, more like) one of my old tricks by adding a feature that I don't actually want!


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