Is there any way in Textpad to better distinguish between a 0 an O or o? Like using a zero with slash (Ansi 216)? Sometimes my code contains the two together.
I think the only way is to choose a font that better distinguishes between these characters (I use Courier New myself). Fixedsys renders the zero with a slash, if you don't mind TextPad looking like a Windows 2.0 app!
I downloaded Andale Mono from Microsoft but didn't find that it had the dot in the middle. However, now that I know there is no other way except a new font, I will start looking for one.
Take a look at the "Consolas" font from Microsoft. Should come bundled with the new VisualStudio releases (2005 and 2008, the "express" ones should do) and maybe with Vista.
agnul wrote:Take a look at the "Consolas" font from Microsoft. Should come bundled with the new VisualStudio releases (2005 and 2008, the "express" ones should do) and maybe with Vista.
Yes, Consolas is very good, but mostly on LCD monitors with ClearType font smoothing turned on. It provides a 0 (zero) with a slash through it. It can be installed on XP by installing the Office 2007 compatibility pack from Microsoft.