Syntax highlighting: Can keywords have spaces

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Syntax highlighting: Can keywords have spaces

Post by derekwallace »

I have a file that i would like to highlight specific phrases which contain spaces. Is this possible?

For example, id like to have something like this in my .syn file.

[Keywords 1]
Timing constraint:

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Nicholas Jordan
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Post by Nicholas Jordan »

I read up on this again, I needed to. It looks to me the approach you should take is try writing you own syntax file, there is a way to save your own syntax files without exposing the supplied syntax files to mistakes and as well saves any of your work during upgrades. This is done by Configure/Preferences/Folders/Syntax which gives a path. You can use the path as given to locate the normally used folder or place the attempts in a folder of your choice.

From my abbreviated effort it looks to me that you should just put both words in the file ( the entire vocabulary for your work ) as spaces are often used as a delimiter and in general in programming you would want to see isolated instances of either word without depending on both words together.

You may provide additional info on the needed highlighting, there is an area for pre-written syntax files ~ it may already have the one you are looking for.
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Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:02 am

Post by derekwallace »

Im already writing my own syntax files. The issue is that i want to highlight phrases like "Timing constraints".

I would like to setup the syntax file like this.
[Keywords 1]
Timing constraint

However this doesnt work.
I can obviously do this
[Keywords 1]

But this will highlight the "words" Timing and constraint WHEREVER they are used. I only want to highlight the phrase "Timing constraint".
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