5.1 Installation Problems

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5.1 Installation Problems

Post by twa_priv »

Just installed 5.1 over 4.3. Below the list of errors/problems I'm facing after the upgrade.

Keyboard shortcuts lost
Textpad needs a long time to open
Opening preference window slow
Opening associated files produces a "Windows cannot find ..." error - fixed by removing/adding the file extension in the Associated Files preference window. But why is this still not working with 5.1?
User directories point to the wrong location:
In 4.1, folders for Syntax, Macros etc. were set to C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\TextPad\USER
The 5.1 setup changed these folders to C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Helios\TextPad\5.0 but did NOT copy/move the files!

I would have thought that Helios, after all these problems people were facing with 5.0.x, would make sure the 4.7 to 5.1 upgrade goes smoothly - but I was wrong.

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