Textpad 5.x.....

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Textpad 5.x.....

Post by gan »

I try to be patient, but would be nice with a update from the deveopers of textpad. I'm sure others would appreciate some words from development as well.

I asked about development of textpad about 7 months ago:

and also read somwhere that we could expect to see a series of updates this year. Basically what we seen so far is some bugfixes for version 5.x only and nothing new since 5.03. I'm not trying to start just another "textpad complaints" thread, but would be nice to hear some words from development.

Thanks in advance
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Post by SteveH »

The thing that I find interesting is these kind of posts are normally made by users with one or two posts under there belt. In this case gan has a lot of posts to his name on a variety of topics and it's worrying when serious users start to raise these kinds of questions.
Running TextPad 5.4 on Windows XP SP3 and on OS X 10.7 under VMWare or Crossover.
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Post by ak47wong »

SteveH wrote:The thing that I find interesting is these kind of posts are normally made by users with one or two posts under there belt. In this case gan has a lot of posts to his name on a variety of topics and it's worrying when serious users start to raise these kinds of questions.
Do you mean because he/she should know better than to bring up this pointless topic yet again? :D

Sorry gan, I don't mean to be offensive, but I think you already know the answer to your question!


Post by gan »

ak47wong wrote:Do you mean because he/she should know better than to bring up this pointless topic yet again?

Sorry gan, I don't mean to be offensive, but I think you already know the answer to your question!
You have the right to have your opinion about this thread, but as a licensed user i think i have the right to ask this question and don't find it pointless at all. I have a feeling what the answer is even if Helios choose to not reply to this thread. I'm still using textpad and will most likely use it for a long time whatever happen, but i miss some basic features and still hoping for some development of textpad.

If the development stop that is ok....it's not like i paid a fortune for this app, but when they make a promise that never happen and no information is given i think this is a fair question. I'm sure Helios is tired of people asking this question, but at least i try to behave professional in opposite to some other users in this forum. It seems like those members is no longer around though since this thread so far have not turned into a war against Helios.
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Post by Boris »

SteveH wrote:The thing that I find interesting is these kind of posts are normally made by users with one or two posts under there belt. In this case gan has a lot of posts to his name on a variety of topics and it's worrying when serious users start to raise these kinds of questions.
Do you mean users of Textpad, or users of this forum ?

It seems to me that there is a confusion of what constitutes a "serious" user.
For me, a "serious" user of Texpad is one who has been using it regularly for more than a year, say.

Whether you can be bothered to contribute to this forum or not depends on your temperament and inclination to do so, so don't you patronize us silent "serious" users, thank you very much.

I contribute when I think it is worth doing so, AND no one else has ALREADY posted a reasonable answer.

My company has been using Textpad for close to 7 years now, so it is in our interest to see how the development is going (if at all, that is).
The fact that we had to revert to the previous version says more than a thousand "serious" posts.
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Post by SteveH »

Do you mean users of Textpad, or users of this forum ?
Users of this forum.
Whether you can be bothered to contribute to this forum or not depends on your temperament and inclination to do so, so don't you patronize us silent "serious" users, thank you very much.
It certainly wasn't intended to patronize anybody but instead highlight a trend that was apparent to me (and others) during the great hiatus between 4.7 and 5.0. Frequently people were making a first post to the forum along the lines of where is TextPad version 5.0? or where is the next version.

I view posts along these lines quite favourably as long as they are not too critical as they show that someone is using a piece of software, have developed some sort of 'relationship' with it and cares enough to make some effort to enquire about future development.

So just to be clear I wasn't making a point about 'silent' users but about a certain type of post to the forum in the past.

Hope this helps and apologies for any unintended offence.
Running TextPad 5.4 on Windows XP SP3 and on OS X 10.7 under VMWare or Crossover.
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