txpeng473.exe is a corrupt self-extracting file?

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txpeng473.exe is a corrupt self-extracting file?

Post by Pbufs »

First off, if this has been posted elsewhere, please link the topic. I have been unable to locate anything useful searching the forums for "txpeng473.exe", "winzip", or "corrupt".

I'm trying to create an automated installation w/ all my settings per this tip: http://www.textpad.com/support/tips/index.html#install

Unfortunately, when I try to open txpeng473.exe in WinZip 9.0 SR-1, I get the following error dialogue:

WinZip cannot open this file. It does not appear to be a Zip file.
If this is a self-extracting file it is either not in the standard Zip file format or it is corrupt.
Would you like to run this executable file?
[Yes] [No]

I tried it on two computers, just to make sure that the download wasn't corrupt (installation from one of the downloads was fine) and that the WinZip installations weren't corrupt.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
- Joe

Post by gan »

Where did you get the idea it's a zip archive? It's a installshield installation package and you cannot use winzip to unpack the contents of the exe file.
There are other software able to unpack the contens of a installshield file, but the easiest way is to start the installation and wait for the welcome screen. When you see the welcome screen check your temp directory then you should find a folder called something like "_isXXXX". Copy the contents of that folder somewhere else on your harddisk then you have the contents of the installshield package and you can cancel the installation.
Then you should be able to edit the msi file using orca, installshield (full version) or whatever program you prefer to change the installation.
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Post by Pbufs »

If you follow the link I provided:

it states:
Open the self-extracting executable (e.g. TXPENG41.EXE) with a ZIP program, such as WinZip.
I guess they have changed it since 4.1 and the tip is no longer valid. Too bad, it would have been nice to create an automated install.

Thanks for the tip!
- Joe

Post by gan »

I didn't follow the link, but i guess you are right that it was possible to open the file using winzip with earlier versions.

It is still be possible to create the installation you want though by changing the msi file, but it's probably not as straight forward as those instructions.
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