Assuming that each | is the beginning of a new column can I make this text line up? What I am trying to do is take the first part of each line i.e. "Autographs" and make it "AUTOGRAPHS". Right now I can make it work but I end up pasting it into excel copying the column I need then pasting it into text pad and making it all caps then pasting that back into excel. My fingers are starting to hurt! Any help would be appreciated!
Not automatically. but if you use a constant width font such as Monospace it's pretty easy to line stuff up manually. You can use tabs and Block select to make it easier. Using your vertical bars, a macro could be written using Regular expressions to automate the process. As to placing the first word on top of each column, Maybe RE, too but I'm not expert enough.
I'm not sure what you want to do here, but if you want to replace anything in the first column with "AUTOGRAPHS" you can do a regular expressions search and replace where you search for ^[^|]+ and replace with AUTOGRAPHS.
If you just want it to be uppercase and not change the text you can use the "change case" feature of textpad.
Could you explain in more details what you want to do or give an example how it looks before and after you copied and pasted between excel and textpad? If you want to work with columns textpad is most likely not the best program for that, but maybe you can get the results you want using regular expression, macro or some other features of textpad. Currently i don't really understand what you want to do.