Hidden word search

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Hidden word search

Post by steve1040 »

What would be the best way to decode the secret word in the following paragraph?

1. Find letter after * in order it appears in paragraph.

On board with *Bush since the beginning of his political career in Texas, Rove w*as nicknamed "the architect" and "boy genius" by the presiden*t for designing the strategy that twice won him the White House. Critics call Rove "Bush's brain."

"Karl Rove is moving on down the road," Bush said, appearing grim-faced on the Whi*te House's South Lawn with Rov*e at his side.

"We've been f*riends for a long time and we're still going to be friends ... I'll be on the road behind you here in a bit," he said ruefull*y*.

The secret word = Battery

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Search for: \*.{1}

Checkmark in box for Regular Expressions
Checkmark in box for POSIX syntax (Configure/Preferences/Editor)
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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