Textpad 5.0 discussion

General questions about using TextPad

Moderators: AmigoJack, bbadmin, helios, Bob Hansen, MudGuard

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Post by MarkJoyal »

gan wrote:What do you mean said nothing? Unless i'm blind they answered my questions. If you are looking for other answers you could ask them.
This thread isn't about your questions though is it, that's what your thread was for and you were very adamant that you didn't want anyone else jumping in on it.

They (helios) said nothing yet again. Just as they have done in the past and has been pointed out in this thread and other threads many times. At best they gave out 2 vague promises of a couple possible fixes/features with no time line and no indication whatsoever of what else can be expected...which again is what is being discussed in this thread.

Post by gan »

MarkJoyal wrote:This thread isn't about your questions though is it, that's what your thread was for and you were very adamant that you didn't want anyone else jumping in on it.
They (helios) said nothing yet again. Just as they have done in the past and has been pointed out in this thread and other threads many times. At best they gave out 2 vague promises of a couple possible fixes/features with no time line and no indication whatsoever of what else can be expected...which again is what is being discussed in this thread.
You are right this is not about my question, but you replied in this thread to a post from jeffy that was about my question. Maybe those answers didn't satisfy you, but they gave me some answers.

I didn't mean to act arrogant in the thread i started when i asked people to not make it into a discussion about the disappointment about Helios/Textpad 5, but i tried to keep the thread on topic to get some answers....and i got what i wanted.
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Post by MarkJoyal »

You weren't arrogant, you have every right to ask and expect that your thread not get derailed, and that was what you got. My post was in response to jeffy who posted here as if helios was providing some great insight hitherto unseen, which they quite definitely aren't, it's just the same old same old "we're working on it" repackaged.
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Post by leegold »

I keep trying to find something better.

I'm able to find newer, even freeware, editors with more features.

But still no editor has the uncluttered FEEL TextPad has.

I can still not find an editor I like more.
Last edited by leegold on Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by crackwitz »

this whole "textpad 5.0" issue is a textbook example of how NOT to treat your users. i mean, the helios guys must have known how we'd react.

it's almost like they counted on us reacting the way we did... but why?
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it is called arrogance

Post by elric »

I've dropped TP about six months ago and come back here for amusement, as this is a very entertaining social experiment.

There is no way to put it other than Helios is abusive to their loyal followers. The "silence treatment", vague and empty promises, disrespect, and above all arrogance, just shout out "leave us the $%^& alone!" Yes, it is a dysfunctional relationship between a computer user and a software vendor (anyone say mac?) I often wondered if a marketing firm purchased Helios for conducting an experiment on how much abuse will a fan base "suffer" before it quits (this will also explain the latest v5 hack ;))

But some people don't seem to get it; I did, and the arrogance will prevent me from ever using TP again, mainly because I feel that they don't deserve my business, no matter how good their product has been (in 2003 standards) or will be (in an unspecified future). There are perfectly good alternatives that deliver today.

Loyal followers, curse this blasphemy, but eventually (repeatedly) giving the benefit of the doubt to a software vendor is a bit too much. They deliver, we purchase. They don't deliver, we go to the shop next door.

Helios has deleted my posts several times because, I suppose, I mentioned a competitor. If they were confident about their product, they shouldn't care... but they do, and that's a sign as well. So, Helios, here's free advice: be open and talk to your user base; most will love you once again for it.
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Post by Jon »

phys wrote:I can see you have no idea ho strong Delphi (object pascal) community is. And with new, just released Delphi 2007 (vista compatible) it will be even stronger.

My favorite file manager (Total Commander) is written in Delphi.
Skype /for Windows/ is written in Delphi.
Spybot - Delphi again...
You're next favourite text editor may be written in Delphi too. It's like "Text"Pad but with a "Twist" ;-)
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Post by hillsc »

gan wrote:What do you mean said nothing? Unless i'm blind they answered my questions. If you are looking for other answers you could ask them.
I think 'nothing' in the general sense that everyone has grown accustomed to over the past three years. "We're working on it and it will be released at some unspecified point in the future." It's just too vague for most.
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Textpad in .Net

Post by Christopher_G_Lewis »

Why does everyone assume Textpad was re-written in .Net?

Reflector indicates that TextPad.EXe has no CLI header, and Depends shows no dependancies on any of the MS VC runtimes (although they could be statically compiled...)

Besides, with .Net, Unicode would have been a given - it would have been *much* more work to make .Net *not* support unicode :-)
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Textpad 5.0 discussion

Post by sburnf »

Thanks Helios, it's good to see TextPad development is moving again.

I used TextPad extensively at a previous client. I would be happy to buy a personal licence but I've been waiting to see if TextPad still had a future.

The key enhancement for me would be editable macros. I think this is such an important feature because it makes it much easier for us to explore ideas for extending and customising TextPad, and for us to share these ideas and build on each other's work. You could then take the best and most popular of these ideas and build them into future releases of the product. In effect the editable macros become a sort of prototyping laboratory.

Please consider also having a beta programme for future releases.

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