Ctrl-Tab functionality

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Ctrl-Tab functionality

Post by spherman »

I am still stuck using version 1.32a because of 1 feature. I would really like to upgrade, but I need this feature on a regular basis.

The issue surrounds the way that Ctrl-Tab works.

In version 1.32a (like most windows aplications) you can use Ctrl-Tab to go though the open files in the order you opened them. There are times when I have to make a change to bunch of files one at a time. I.e. a variable referencing the current file at the top of the page. My process is that I open a bunch of files and make my change. Then save the file and hit Ctrl-Tab to to move on to the next file in the list.

In the newer versions hitting Ctrl-Tab goes back to the last file you just saved. This is frustrating and makes it unusable for this process.

In every other program I use the order of the files stays consistent.

Can you offer an option that lets me retain the order?

I would appreciate some feedback.
Scott Herman
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Post by ben_josephs »

I find the current behaviour of Ctrl+Tab extremely useful. It cycles through the documents in reverse Z order, that is, in most-recently-used order. (Shift+Ctrl+Tab goes the other way.) So a single Ctrl+Tab takes you back to the document you were looking at just before the current one, Ctrl+Tab,Tab takes you back to the the one you were looking at just before that, and so on. I wouldn't want to lose this functionality.

(But I'd like the irritating bugs in their implementation (particularly when files have been changed outside TextPad) to be fixed.)

I believe that Ctrl+F6 and Shift+Ctrl+F6 do what you want. Contrary to the documentation, they behave differently from Ctrl+Tab and Shift+Ctrl+Tab. I'm not sure if you can reassign these functions to other keys. I think they are built into the MDI mechanism, rather than supplied by the TextPad application.
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Ctrl+F6 functionality

Post by spherman »

Yes. I know about that. And it does work the way I like it. The problem is that I can't reach Ctrl+F6 with my left hand. I have to use two ands to do it. It is a real pain.

I would like the option of choosing how the Ctrl+Tab works.

Then people like you can have it the way you want it and people like me can have it the way we want it.
Scott Herman
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Post by ben_josephs »

I agree with you. The Ctrl+F6, Shift+Ctrl+F6 functionality should be assignable to key strokes of the user's choice.
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Post by nothize »

Hi Spherman,

If you mean TextPad, have you try the new trial version v4.x?
At least I have tried and it let you re-assign the hot-key of many functions to your custom choice.

For your information, inside Preference -> Keyboard -> Window -> WindowNext and WindowPrev are the hot-key for ctrl+tab.

Great, I like it!
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Still frustrated.

Post by spherman »

You gave me hope there for a second....

I went to the Preferences - Window and tried to assign the WindowPaneNext and WindowPanePrevious to the Ctrl+Tab key and it did not work.

It lets me assign other key strokes, but not that one!

Any other ideas?

I am using the latest trial versio. 5.03.

Scott Herman
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Post by DeNelo »

For what it's worth: Consider using your left hand for Ctrl+F6 - press the right Ctrl with your left thumb and F6 with your pinkie. You have to llift your right hand, but that way it should be possible to Ctrl+F6 with one hand.

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not really helpful

Post by spherman »

Alas, I am a creature of habbit.
Scott Herman
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I fixed it!

Post by spherman »

OMG.... I just stumbled into the solution.

Since my trusty copy of Textpad 1.2 crashes in Windows 7 when you try to do a SaveAs.


I am posting my solution in hopes that it helps someone else.

I figured that if I has to conform and use F6 instead of Ctrl+Tab then I wanted to disable Ctrl+Tab. So I removed the Key Stroke assigned to WindowPaneNext (and WindowPanePrev) so that I would not inadvertantly go to the wrong file.

So I started working and of course I hit Ctrl+Tab and it went to the next file, but Guess What???? It now has the fuctionality of Window Next instead. That's what I have been wanting all along! YEARS I have been asking for this. No help.... Sigh.....

I hope this helps someone.

Scott Herman
WebEditor Design Services, Inc.
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