Context Menus & File Types

Ideas for new features

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Context Menus & File Types

Post by Mordachai »

Ok, this has been bugging me for a loooong time.

When I associate a file type with TextPad, I want to be able to associate it as an edit option, rather than as its primary association.

Currently, if I associate .vcproj for example, then TextPad always opens when I launch a .vcproj. This is lame. Plus, If I actually choose to right-click on a .vproj and Edit it, it opens with Notepad (even lamer).

Please, please please can we not have a tool in TextPad for grabbing the Edit association instead of the run association?

TextPad is wonderful, I've recommended it for over a decade, and turned many programmers and sys admins on to it, but this has always been goofy and it would be a huge boon to all of us if we can have better control over the file association mechnaisms.


Edit: If I could just have an option to install a right-click context menu option for all file types to launch them in textpad, that would be highly useful (and yes, I do use the send to function, but really, edit with text pad option would be better).
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