Document tab navigation should cycle their visual order

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Document tab navigation should cycle their visual order

Post by zridling »

I've got four document tabs open — 1,2,3,4. Using CTRL+Tab it cycles through their Document Selector order, which is alpha-numeric, not the tab order. When using CTRL+Tab I cycle through the tabs as 1,4,2,3 and backwards as 3,2,4,1. Not good.

Either fix this or make this an option in Configuration, as my eyes don't know where to go, much less the fact that no one works with files alphabetically. Much easier to cycle through the tabs as they are ordered. Thanks.
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Re: Document tab navigation should cycle their visual order

Post by langdon »

God, yes! *Please* make this configurable (or just fix it).

This is my #1 complaint about TextPad!
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Post by ben_josephs »

Ctrl+Tab cycles through the documents in reverse Z order, that is, in most-recently-used order. So a single Ctrl+Tab takes you back to the document you were looking at just before the current one, Ctrl+Tab,Tab takes you back to the the one you were looking at just before that, and so on. I find this extremely useful, and I would be most concerned if the functionality were removed.

All I ask is that the bugs in its implementation (particularly when files have been changed outside TextPad) should be fixed.
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