Spelling not working in 5.0.2?

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Spelling not working in 5.0.2?

Post by caschulz »

Upgraded from 4.7.3 where Spelling was working.
Configure / Preferences /Spelling, and Tools / Spelling both give me error message:
The files for the English (USA) dictionary have not been installed....
The Dictionary dropdown shows choices, but cannot select any.
I uninstalled 4.7.3 dictionary, and TextPad 4/Spelling/ is gone but the Spelling Dictionary dropdown still shows all the TextPad 4 choices, so still in registry somewhere?
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Post by dak »


I also cannot get spelling to work in 5.x. I downloaded the txplex473.exe installer and ran it. It seems to have installed stuff in the "TextPad 4" folder.

As the previous poster mentioned, the drop down menu shows plenty of choices, but when I select any of them I receive the following message:

The files for the English (UK) dictionary have not been installed.
You can download them from http:/www.textpad.com

Well, as stated, I *did* download them, but it still doesn't allow me to select a dictionary.

Any workaround to this? Alternatively, can Helios confirm that this is on the list for a fix when the 5.x public Beta test is complete?



Post by gan »

I have no problems with the spelling. Did you upgrade from 4.7.3 or did you completely remove 4.7.3 before installing 5.0?

I had several issue after upgrading from 4.7.3 so did a uninstall and removed all entries for helios/textpad from my registry and deleted the helios/textpad folders found on my disk and then reinstalled 5.0.2. That solved several issues i had after the upgrade. I bet there is some settings left from version 4.7.3 and most likely in the registry. If the dictionaries is installed under the textpad 4 folder that sounds like some wrong settings left from textpad 4 that mess up everything.

By doing this i lost all my settings, but didn't take long to change it back manually.
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Post by dak »

Thanks gan.

I was hoping not to have to do this, but it looks like I'll have to bite the bullet. It's going to take me a long time before I can trust Helios again.



Post by gan »

Well i guess you don't have to, but i figured i would spend more time trying to solve this without the reinstall so i did it to save some time. Also to be 100% sure everything was fine i figured a cleanup/reinstall was the best option. I guess the other option is to search through your registry for old entries for textpad 4 and change them manually. Then you just have to hope you fixed it all. I think textpad save all the settings in the registry so will probably find it all there.
I had several custom settings and external tools configured and didn't spend much time doing this over again so for me it's not a big deal even if i would prefer a fully working upgrade. I didn't have any macros since i use another editor for macros/scripts. Without the ability to manually edit macros i find it pretty useless except for very simple macros.
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Post by dak »

It worked! I uninstalled, and went through the Registry to delete all references to TextPad. Then I reinstalled TextPad and the dictionaries.

The dictionaries still went into a "Textpad 4" folder. Unfortunately, I didn't test the spelling function before I installed the dictionaries, so I don't know whether Textpad 5 is looking in the Textpad 4 folder. Anyhow, everything works 'as advertised', so I'm happy.

I had to enter all my settings again, but that took less than 5 minutes. It's worth the hassle just to get a 'known good' installation.

Thanks to gan for the assistance.


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Post by caschulz »

I uninstalled, then reinstalled w. 5.0.3, but spelling still does not work for me. I get same error.
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Spelling not working in 5.0.3?

Post by caschulz »

P.S. I did clean via regedit before install.
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Post by caschulz »

Retried, got spelling to work.
I rebooted after uninstall, regedit clean, so either I missed an entry during 1st try, or reboot is important.

I also don't like monkeying around in registry, as it can be dangerous.

Post by bveldkamp »

I just moved everything from "C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\Spelling" to "C:\Program Files\TextPad 5\Spelling" and now everything works.
Helios should still fix the installer for the dictionaries, though.
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Post by antoniocherry »

I had te same problem with 4.7. the installation went ok but then i got the "dictionary not installed" message from the spelling configuration in the preference menu.

the reason was that the installer automatically installs the dictionaries in the default "TextPad 4" subdirectory in the "program files" directory, regardless of where Textpad is actually installed. To fix it I just copied the files in the true installation directory.

This installation seems to be rather sloppy, especially on such a good product as textpad. i don't think it should be difficult to add an option for choosing the installation directory (or get the program to do a search!!). Also a window for choosing languages would be a natural feature instead of selecting all languages by default (how many of us need swedish or norwigian? 8)
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