TextPad 5 is not ready for serious productivity use

General questions about using TextPad

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TextPad 5 is not ready for serious productivity use

Post by agitater »

Helios seems to have released v5 as a mature beta. TXT (and other) system file associations don't seem to be able to call TextPad. The window size and position bug has been reported elsewhere here (editing the registry values for Window and the TP config.xml does not fix anything — it appears that the default window size is hardcoded for now). The Preferences dialog takes a long time to load. Unicode implementation still seems flaky at best. The release notes are absolutely the briefest I've ever read for any important product. The online help system is incomplete. The brevity of the release notes perfectly reflects the terse, short paragraph announcing the product in the Forum.

Helios did not seem interested in drawing any attention to itself with this release and the reasons seem obvious. So then, why release v5 now? We've been waiting for years for a major product update, so what does it matter if Helios takes a few more weeks to get the first release of v5 right? I echo the feelings and clearly stated objections voiced here already I think. Helios has also not responded to any of the bug reports posted over the past week or so. Are files being saved consistently and accurately? Come on boys! Some of us (many of us?) are using TextPad to do remunerative work. With the obvious productivity roadblocks in v5, and with 4.7.3 gone from my system, I'll use one of the other text editors until such time as TP5 is working properly. Helios must get the basics right. Releasing v5 as-is was a mistake. I have work to do and I'm happy to pay for and use reliable tools, but TP5 has scared me off for now.
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Post by humbads »

I agree with your comments. I'm not ready to get rid of 4.7.3 yet, but I am using 5 on my laptop. I'll wait for a stable release to come out before switching.
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Post by agitater »

I've now switched to another editor. But I've been using TextPad for so many years that I'll likely try to switch back to it when the terrible bugs and absent functions in v5 are fixed.

Among other things, I review this kind of productivity software on my web site. Because I've been such a long time user of TextPad, I've never reviewed it for my own site because of the obvious conflict of interest. Now that I've stopped using it though, it doesn't seem fair to review it when it's so obviously vulnerable. Maybe I'll review v5.1 when it's released.

I can't believe that Helios dumped what is clearly a beta version on us without so much as even a hint of warning. After all the years of singing TextPad's praises and inadvertently generating business for Helios I want better treatment from the company.
Ken Grace
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Post by Ken Grace »

TextPad 5 lasted 2 minutes before I removed it and reinstalled 4.7.3. Having to reassign the syntax files from 4 to 5 I could live with, but not being able to associate with TXT files in Windows...
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Post by agitater »

I was tempted to reinstall 4.7.3, but I'm determined to wait until v5 is fully out of beta before I try it again. I'm using a different editor for now simply because it does all of the things 4.7.3 does, plus several other items I was hoping to find in v5 but with none of v5's obvious bugs. I'll check for v5 updates as often as I can (even though Helios should be taking the initiative to push email notifications, at the very least, to its registered user base). Sooner rather than later, Helios has to get this right. It's common sense and good business to treat customers better than this. I mean to say that I just don't understand the situation. Are the principle owners of Helios perpetually short of money or time to properly develop and release successful upgrades. Do they need money? If so, they should say so. I believe that most loyal registered TextPad users will be happy to pay some nominal upgrade fee because money is needed to help create robust new product releases in shorter periods of time.

Someone wrote privately to me suggesting that software gets better when users provide accurate reports to developers, and that rather than complaining about TP5, I should start filing detailed bug reports. The problem is, I have purchased many TextPad licenses for a variety of computers, all of which are used for productive work. I never signed on to be a beta tester and I don't have the time for it. Helios set up certain expectations with the release of v5 and the product has not even come close to the target. Helios needs to get on with it as quickly as possible.
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Post by jasonh »

Well, I registered here 5 minutes ago to post a minor gripe about where the close button for document tabs ought to be. Having read some of the comments here I've now uninstalled TextPad 5 and gone back to 4.73.

I think TextPad is great. I use it all the time, and I'm so used to it just being there and just working that I don't even think about it. But if it's going to crash randomly, or not be able to open TXT files when I double-click them, I'm afraid that's a deal-breaker for me.

I guess the best way to uncover bugs in software is to release it! So I sympathise with Helios's situation, but I can't really use TP5 until it's a bit more settled...
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Post by agitater »

Lots of buggy beta programs are released into their respective user communities. But the program authors have the good grace to set up the community in advance - to let them know that the next big thing is going to be a beta, side by side with a request to pitch in and send bug reports, or to sign up to be a beta tester. I think it's the best way for small software developers to achieve at least a semblance of the kind of QA testing that's done in much larger companies that can boast dedicated QA staff. Problem is, Helios is so completely uncommunicative about everything related to TPv5 that I'm rapidly reaching the point where I just don't care about the product any more. I was hoping that by chiming in on the TPv5 disappointment, my added voice might help to tip the balance in favor of some detailed responses (and some worthwhile encouragement) from Helios. Nothing so far.
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TextPad 5 - not ready yet

Post by derekcohen »

I too have reverted to 4.7.3 after installing 5:

* Complex macros including regexp replaces won't work
* Hitting Control-S on a file that doesn't need saving produces a Save As dialog - I do Control-S to check ASP files are all saved before running them
* I hate the search results in the Tool output window and there's no option to use the v4 behavious
* Still no reliable support for unicode or 8-bot characters which I was hoping for
* File associations seem broken
* TextPad has disappeared from the right-click menu and moved to the Send to... sub-menu
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Re: TextPad 5 - not ready yet

Post by ak47wong »

derekcohen wrote:Hitting Control-S on a file that doesn't need saving produces a Save As dialog
Really? That doesn't happen for me. Can you elaborate?
derekcohen wrote:I hate the search results in the Tool output window and there's no option to use the v4 behavious
Yes, I hate the new Search Results pane as well. My biggest gripe with it is there doesn't seem to be any way to close it from the keyboard. Esc doesn't do anything, and CTRL+F4 closes the document instead of the Search Results pane, even when the latter has focus.

Helios, can we have an option to use the old Search Results window, please?

Last edited by ak47wong on Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by derekcohen »

maybe it's hitting Control-Shift S.

And also if the file doesn't need saving the Save icon in the toolbar isn't greyed out like it used to be in 4.7.3 (maybe the bugs are linked)
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Post by kitimat »

It's a bug I think. The save icon doesn't indicate if the file needs saving.

If you try to save a file that has been edited textpad will save it just fine.

However if you try to save a file that doesn't need to be saved, that is hasn't been edited, Textpad5 brings up the save as dialogue box.

This confusion can be remedied by re-enabling the "file has been changed" indicator.
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Post by RobertP »

And the silence from Helios continues...

Not that Helios even cares, but why would they throw such a crap piece of software out to unsuspecting users and then run into their little developmental closets to hide?

I just don't get the loyalty by some customers to a company that takes them for granted...

And the Helio-ites descended upon the heretic gnashing their teeth. Oh praise thee almighty Helios!
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Post by dixonc »

Not complete silence :D


Maybe this will cheer you up? :wink:
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Post by ds0934 »

After waiting in the dark for almost 3 years, this is a bit shameful. I really like TP but I don't know what to think of this. I would have rather seen a "public beta" available to work out these issues before it was posted as a final release. I've tried the upgrade on three computers to see if the issues were isolated to just one. I'm afraid they're common to all that I've tried. The customized toolbar issue is very weird. I can drag "command" objects to the pulldown menus but not the toolbars? Come on Helios. Please stop what you're doing, go back through all the forum threads and compile a fresh list of all the past and current wishlist items and bug reports and get this done right? I would also beg you to support an open "beta program" to get these things resolved before calling it a "final" release. :shock:
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Looking for the full support for Unicode

Post by kelvin »

I used Textpad over 7 years and I feel very upset it still has not solved the unicode problem. I use Textpad to do the coding, unfortunately more and more coding are now using the unicode. I don't want to giveup Textpad but I have no choice. Now I use EditPad to edit all my unicode file without any problem. Compare with the edit feature, I still love Textpad more. When will Textpad be seriously considered the unicode problem? Please!