A couple of questions for Helios/the developers of Textpad

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A couple of questions for Helios/the developers of Textpad

Post by gan »

I got a couple of questions and would really appreciate any kind of answer. I'm not expecting all the answers i would like to hear and some you might not be able to answer, but that's ok as long as i get some kind of feedback. So you could you please try to answer my questions below?

Is support for unicode something we can expect to see in the near future?
Can i expect to be able to edit or create macros manually using textpad in the near future?
I'm not asking for a date, but would really like to know if a new version 5.xx will be released in the near future since 5.0 contains some annoying bugs?

I don't want this to be just another discussion about the disappointment of Textpad 5 or other complains about Helios so for other forum users that want to complain please do that in another thread. This is a question for Helios and hoping for an answer whatever that might be.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by helios »

We said in the announcement of TextPad 5 that this was the first of a planned series of upgrades, and you can expect to see both of those features implemented, although we won't commit to a timescale at the moment.

The next upgrade with all the relevant bug fixes will be released in the near future.

I hope this answers your questions.
Helios Software Solutions

Post by gan »

Thank you, that's all that i needed to know. I perfectly understand that you cannot commit to a timescale at this time. Glad to hear there will be a new 5.x release in the near future and also that the features requested will be implemented as well in a future release.
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Post by jeffy »

helios wrote:We said in the announcement of TextPad 5 that this was the first of a planned series of upgrades, and you can expect to see both of those features implemented, although we won't commit to a timescale at the moment.

The next upgrade with all the relevant bug fixes will be released in the near future.

Gan, you are my hero. :' )
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Post by rsperberg »

I look forward to the version of TextPad that supports Unicode fully.

I imagine support under Vista for many of the little-used alphabets will be easier than under XP. Good luck with your development.

I have always put Textpad at the top of the "lightweight, ASCII, programmer's text editors" category. It will be a very satisfying day for me to move it into the "lightweight, Unicode-compatible, programmer's text editors."

Roger Sperberg
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Post by agitater »

"We said in the announcement of TextPad 5 that this was the first of a planned series of upgrades, and you can expect to see both of those features implemented, although we won't commit to a timescale at the moment. The next upgrade with all the relevant bug fixes will be released in the near future. I hope this answers your questions."


Wow. I, your loyal customer, will just toddle off now and try again to use the absurdly buggy and disfunctional v5. Better yet, how about if I just smarten up, uninstall v5, and start using another editor? Can somebody please send Helios a link to a correspondence course on customer relationship management?

I wonder what reference range "timescale" and "in the near future" might cover? Another two and a half years? Another two weeks? A month? Three months? Six months? It's just coding time they have to figure out after all, because there sure as heck hasn't been any time wasted on QA testing!

Give me a break.


Post by gan »

I think we all agree that the development of textpad been at hold for some years now, but it seems like the development started again and sounds like we can expect several new releases this year with several new features. I think people should forget about the past and stop bitching about what didn't happen. Give Helios a break and let's see what they deliver this time.
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Post by agitater »

Hey Gan . . . Give Helios a break? Why? I think I understand that peace and persuasion are more sensible that some obviously more vitriolic alternatives, but I just don't have time to wait around while somebody messes with the tools I use. Maybe it's just that I installed v5 in anticipation of at least as much functionality as 4.7.3 at a point in my ongoing projects at which I seem to now need more functionality than 4.7.3 can offer? Is that convoluted? No matter. TP5 is a beta for pete's sake. I also just discovered that it doesn't copy & paste consistently. Good grief. I think I'll shut up now. Probably wasting my breath anyway 'cause there's still no substantive response from Helios.
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