Change in behaviour: cursor entering a line

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Change in behaviour: cursor entering a line

Post by evh1001 »

There's been a change of behaviour between v4 and v5 in how a cursor moves between lines. Try entering the following:
<left arrow>
<up arrow>
<down arrow>
In v4 the the cursor is now positioned between the 'e' and 'f' in TP4, but between 'd' and 'e' in TP5.

This is a feature that I initially hated in v4 but grew to love. It's a great feature when you need to make the same edits to a series of rows; eg: aligning columns, deleting the same character(s) in each line, pasting the same text in the same position in each line, etc.

I can understand that this feature is off by default - most new users would find it confusing and frustrating. Is there a way to turn this back on? If not, consider this a feature request.


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Post by ak47wong »

Do you have the setting "Constrain the cursor to the text" on or off (under Preferences - Editor)?

I just tried that in TP5 and if the option is on, the cursor ends up between the 'e' and 'f'. If the option is off, the cursor ends up between the 'd' and 'e'.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:41 am

Post by evh1001 »

Yep, switching that on restored the original behaviour.

Thanks ak47wong
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