Saving of bookmarks

Ideas for new features

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Saving of bookmarks

Post by joconnell »

A very useful feature would be the optional ability to save bookmarks created per each file. Maybe this has already been suggested, maybe not.

Now that Vista has been released, when are we going to see TextPad 4.8 or 5?

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Post by helios »

If you save the file(s) as a Workspace from the File menu, the Bookmarks are also saved.

A Workspace is "the state of the set of files you are working on at any time". In other words, if you have several files open in TextPad, and then use the Workspace / Save As command from the File menu, then all of these files will exist in the .tws file that is created. Consequently, all of these files will be opened, the next time you start TextPad, as long as the option to "Reload last workspace at startup" is enabled.

If you only want the last individual file that you were working on to open the next time TextPad is started, then you will need to close all the other open files, before saving as a Workspace.

I hope this helps.
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Post by IronMug »

I agree with this feature request, bookmarks would be useful. All of us work on a great many files over months and years. Bookmarks would enable shortcuts to files that haven't been edited in a very long time, but that may be periodically visited, maybe every couple of weeks/months/3 months, etc...

Bookmarks to workspaces or files is how I would suggest approaching the implementation.

Multi-tasking is required for most jobs, and three weeks of editing a particular group of files, may get post-poned suddenly, to address more pressing issues. Two weeks later, one wishes to resume where they left-off. Bookmarks to workspaces would assist with quickly locating this/these workspace(s).

Please allow annotations: custom bookmark name and bookmark notes to assist with remembering things.

Organizing bookmarks is also useful. I work on so many projects, all my bookmarks would require the ability to create bookmark folders, just to keep it all straight.

This is a rather large request, coming from me, but I believe it would add some value.

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Post by ben_josephs »

What you are asking for isn't bookmarks. Bookmarks are marks associated with lines in your files.

You can store the state of each of your editing projects in a workspace file. You can name the workspaces in any informative way you like, arrange them in any directory structure you like, and keep them as long as you like. You can then use the file store (using the command line or the GUI) to manage these wokspaces.
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Post by IronMug »

I see, it seems that every word has multiple meanings. Thanks for the heads-up.

I understand your suggestion. I guess I would just rather not have to dig through and remember directories and directory structures. Instead, a nestable list of shortcuts would be very useful.

No biggy.
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