Macro Editor

Ideas for new features

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Macro Editor

Post by Orionizer »

We really need the ability to edit macros. I frequently review my DNS server logs and if I want to automatically remove certain types of lines, I'll create a macro to do it. The only problem is, I'll forget some type of line I need removed and have to start the entire macro recording over again.

*** PLEASE ***

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Post by s_reynisson »

Only the number one req for TP over the years, feel free to vote over here. ;)
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Post by Orionizer »

I either have already voted or the poll has expired because all I see are the results...

Anyway - Helios - PLEASE LISTEN!
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Post by webber123456 »

there are solutions available for free now:

-- Quick Buttons
-- AutoHotkey
-- AutoIT

These can all script macros which can be apllied to open applications.

I use Quick Buttons in combination with AutoHotkey.

There is a free macro script in AutoHotkey called Slave 3.0 which provides auto completion and auto expansion of terms.
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Post by CodeCutter »

If Helios ever get around to adding an editable macros feature, they should take a look at how the Zeus editor ( implements this feature.

It allows you to write macros scripts using Lua, Python, Java Script or the VbScript languages. It's macro scripting is very nicely done.
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Post by Ryck »

CodeCutter wrote:If Helios ever get around to adding an editable macros feature, they should take a look at how the Zeus editor ( implements this feature.

It allows you to write macros scripts using Lua, Python, Java Script or the VbScript languages. It's macro scripting is very nicely done.
Hmm, I'll check out Zeus Editor. I was also told to check out UltraEdit. ( )
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Post by s_reynisson »

Ryck wrote:
CodeCutter wrote:If Helios ever get around to adding an editable macros feature, they should take a look at how the Zeus editor ( implements this feature.
It allows you to write macros scripts using Lua, Python, Java Script or the VbScript languages. It's macro scripting is very nicely done.
Hmm, I'll check out Zeus Editor. I was also told to check out UltraEdit. ( )
And also don't forget to check out emeditor.
But then again, I've used them all and still I always end up here, TP may be old but it still knows how to kick behinds! ;)
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Macro Editor

Post by slloyd »

I've created a macro for formatting Oracle SQL code which could benefit many Textpad users. However, if I want to enchance it, I have to "re-write" the macro from scratch. How much easier and more functional it would be if I could save and edit the macro in a Textpad document!

By the way, Gintaras Didzgalvis has written a Windows macro and automation program, QuickMacros ( that will automate just about anything that the Textpad macro feature can do -- and much more. It is a whole macro language that can manipulate virtually any Windows object. Very versatile and in-expensive.

If Helios won't (or can't) provide a macro editor, try QuickMacros.

-- Scott
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Post by CuriousJ »

I agree, a Macro Editor is sorely needed for TextPad. I thought maybe I'd find one under the "Tools" downloads, but alas ...

Jim H. (aka CuriousJ)
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the long quest for editable macros

Post by drefty »

You sound pretty desperate for this feature ...

If you are a serious user of macros, especially for doing admin
work on one or more machines, please consider using TextPad
in combination with any of the numerous scripting languages that
are freely available for Windows. (python, perl, ruby, jscript, vbscript, autoit, autohotkey ...)

Also consider that, since editable macros may not be coming for
TextPad in the time and manner you might be expecting, you will
be doing yourself a favor by using and learning an existing tool
instead of waiting to learn a yet-to-be-created language that may
or may not ever materialize, and may or may not be usable outside
of TextPad.

If you are not sure how this might work, check out the following

Some TextPad users have used this approach for a while now,
and it works quite well. You can get any of the 'top requested' features
this way, except for things like 'code folding' (aka 'collapsable sections')
or other features that require a revamp of the GUI controls in TextPad.

Seriously though, TextPad macros are really only suitable for "quickie"
one-off operations, if you want to save a little typing here and there. Any
other use is probably only going to frustrate you.
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Post by mtorbin »

So then I take it that there's no way to edit a currently written macro? I've opened the document and it's all compressed.

- MT
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Post by Paul Moon »

I love the idea of the macro editor. Has anyone included a poll for this enhancement, It appears a popular development. I'm sure everyone would get on board. Maybe the poll might push the idea?
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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Post by Elsarius »

I realise that a full-blown Macro editor would be quite a task for the TextPad team. There is one really basic feature that would be so useful though:

On start-up, TextPad should examine the appropriate directories and update its lists of macros and syntaxes according to what files it finds. That way, if I'm working on a different machine, I can just drop all my syntax and macro files into the right directories and away I go.
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