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General questions about using TextPad

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Post by Dalberon »

I've been using Textpad for nearly a decade now and it is by far and away my favorite programming editor. I was just curious if you are working on a version 5?

I ask because I am hoping that the project is still moving forward. The free upgrades for registered users is nice, but if funding for development is an issue I know I would be willing to pay an upgrade fee for future versions.

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Post by derek324 »

Dead. Try PSPad, free, and very much alive.

(BTW, notes like this one one typically stay on this forum for a few hours only, and then they automagically go blank. Which in a sense shows that some people are still showing some signs of moving (forward?)).

cheers, Derek
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Post by cincyreds »

derek324 wrote:Dead. Try PSPad, free, and very much alive
cheers, Derek
Hey Derek,

Maybe you should actually read these forums before you post misinformation. Textpad is not dead (for the umpteenth time) and Helios is actively working on version 5 (as they've stated numerous times).

And PSPad is not even remotely in the same league as Textpad (IMO).
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Post by SteveH »

BTW, notes like this one one typically stay on this forum for a few hours only, and then they automagically go blank.
In my opinion Helios' approach is actually pretty straightforward with no mystery and they seem pretty tolerant of discussion on 'TextPad 5.0' - they probably find the passion and level of interest gratifying. Apart from one or two examples, threads do not vanish from this forum they are usually just locked.

What does not seem to be tolerated is promotion of competing text editors on this forum. This does not seem particularly unreasonable to me.
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Post by derek324 »

Huy Guys,

My apologies for offending you, it was not my intention.

Hey "cincyreds" (BTW, I am politely signing posts with my real name): yes, I have read many previous posts; it does not follow that I have to agree with any them. I consider it misinformation to claim that a software package is not dead if it was not updated for 2 years. "Dead" is obviously my opinion, as "not dead" is obviously yours.

The question was raised again due to obviously unsatisfactory response and attitude displayed by Helios, so another person (me) gave my perspective. As TextPad is a commercial product, commercial users (like myself) or potential users will keep coming back to this issue, or, as suggested many times, leave and go away. "If you do not like TextPad, use another product" is an excellent, but shallow advice: it is commercially bad for Helios, patronizing, and shows lack of genuine arguments or patience. As Helios was unable to update for 2 years, they are automatically confirming inability to do what the market (rightly or wrongly) expects: frequent and timely updates, even if they are only small updates. Is it the same perspective and opinion as already expressed some time ago by someone? Possibly, but it becomes stronger every time ("over 2 years of no updates" vs. "almost 2 years of no updates" vs. "1 year of no updates").

Yes, my previous post on similar subject had misteriously vanished after a few hours, let us say: a gremlin. Yes, I consider TextPad to be dead. If ver 5 is released tomorrow, I will still consider it dead, as I lost my confidence in Helios abilities. Confidence is very difficult to regain: possibly ver 5 followed by a few years of 3 mths updates would do it for me. No, I am not promoting any competitive products, just indicated in one short sentence (no details, no tables comparing functionality, etc.) an alternative which worked for us as a general purpose text editor (not as an integrated development environment, which none of them is, or claims to be).

BTW, as a programmer I appreciate how difficult it is to update a product like TextPad... if you have 1 or 2 people working part time on it, possibly old hands going away, and new people joining the team. With all respect, for a good, small team working full time on a product like that, releasing 4.x.x or even 5.x.x every few month-six month is expected, and easy. Not releasing does not require any comments, for every person who was/is a programer it is obvious why this is happening. One needs to eat, and one needs to have a day time job which brings money...

Yes, I agree, Helios is pretty clear about their product, this is why my understanding of their response is also clear: it was a very good product, which hit a wall (not enough developers, not sufficient time, did not bring enough profits), and thus it is fading away or, if you prefer, dying. Is the product with no updates for 2 years dead, or is it indeed actively developed, and can still be trusted? It is not a question of statement, but something to discsuss using previous examples. But I do agree that such discussion would be improper for this forum. Each individual should do his/her own reserarch and reach his/her own conclusion. Not necessary the same as mine or yours, gentle reader. Rightly or wrongly, software market is not a place for week or crippled, corpses of excellent software products litter it from horizon to horizon. Just an observation, not advice how it should be.

Just my opinion, and my interpretation of what free speech and the Internet is about. Obviously, nobody needs to agree with me, or even read this (or use TextPad or any other software).

cheers, Derek

PS: Helios, lock this thread, too long, and irrelevant.
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Post by cincyreds »

derek324 wrote: yes, I have read many previous posts; it does not follow that I have to agree with any them.
Which means if you consider Textpad "dead," then Helios must be lying when they say they are working on version 5?
derek324 wrote:I consider it misinformation to claim that a software package is not dead if it was not updated for 2 years. "Dead" is obviously my opinion, as "not dead" is obviously yours.
Frankly, "dead" is not an opinion - it is a state of being. Textpad is not dead. Just because it is your opinion that textpad is dead does not make it so.
As well, you certainly did not present your original post as an opinion - you presented it as a fact.
derek324 wrote:The question was raised again due to obviously unsatisfactory response and attitude displayed by Helios
Now, Derek, THAT is an opinion. In your "opinion" their response is unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory is subjective. Dead is objective.
derek324 is commercially bad for Helios, patronizing, and shows lack of genuine arguments or patience
Patience? Frankly I think Helios is being quite patient in making sure the final product is done correctly and not rushed to market. Helios is not impatient - you are impatient.
derek324 wrote:As Helios was unable to update for 2 years, they are automatically confirming inability to do what the market (rightly or wrongly) expects:
Again - now THOSE are opinions. Fine - if they are not timely enough for you, then find another product (which it appears you have - PSPad). And "find another product" is not shallow advice. It is straightforward advice. People like yourself will not be satisifed with anything less than a new release, so what's the point in giving any other advice?
derek324 wrote:If ver 5 is released tomorrow, I will still consider it dead, as I lost my confidence in Helios abilities.
Interesting. You've made up your mind, so what's your point here? Just to antagonize?
derek324 wrote:possibly ver 5 followed by a few years of 3 mths updates would do it for me.
If you really are a programmer, than surely you must realize what a ridiculous statement that is. You don't even know what the product may require in the way of future updates, yet you've already set a release "schedule" in your mind that must be adhered to in order for Texpad to "redeem" itself in your mind. Are you serious?
derek324 wrote:No, I am not promoting any competitive products, just indicated in one short sentence
C'mon, Derek. Give us all a break with the semantics. "indicating in one short sentence" is promoting. Period. For crying out loud, you even said "try PSPad."
derek324 wrote:BTW, as a programmer I appreciate how difficult it is to update a product like TextPad
Your last post sure doesn't seem to indicate that you truly do appreciate the difficulty.
derek324 wrote:PS: Helios, lock this thread, too long, and irrelevant.


Dean (my real name - are you happy now?)