How can we get syntax highlighting on all perl variables?

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How can we get syntax highlighting on all perl variables?

Post by seneca »

Hello there! I'm trying to get Textpad to highlight all perl variables in a special color so they're all easy to see, but I still haven't found a way to do that so I'm not sure if it's possible or not..

I was thinking that all i'd have to type into the .syn file would be something like these two, but they're not working....


So it kinda doesn't seem like it's possible from all the tests I've tried, but at the same time $[0-9] does work, even though it's not actually called that... It apparently seems to be related to the $0 item somehow, but I dunno how it could be... I guess it's hardcoded somehow?

Anyways, thanks in advance. :)
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Location: Berlin

Post by batacoba »

I'm having the same problem right now. Would be very glad, if somebody would help me with this problem. I know it used to go.
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Post by ceren »

I came here specifically to ask this.

I work with PHP files and I need the variables (words preceded with a $ dollar sign) to have it's own special highlighting.
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Need Highlighting answer for variables....

Post by kproudfoot »


Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has solved this issue yet? I have a syn file for Maya MEL scripting, and I too would like to have all variables have a specifc highlighting color (those keywords preceded by a $ sign).

Thanks for any help!
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