Missing shortcut to TextPad on Context menu

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Missing shortcut to TextPad on Context menu

Post by WmHBlair »

After uninstalling TextPad 4.7.1, and then installing TextPad 4.7.3, my Windows 2000 system no longer has the "TextPad" entry listed in the Context menu (i.e., right-click on file name in Explorer), despite the fact that I have "Context menu" checked under "Put shortcuts to TextPad on:" in Configure|Preferences. All combinations and sequences of unchecking, stopping TextPad, shutting down Windows, starting TextPad, checking this option, as well as uninstalling TextPad 4.7.3 and reinstalling TextPad 4.7.3 fail to make this entry appear on the Context menu.

After searching the topics, I found a reference to a similar (although not exactly the same) problem, which included a tip to install the "DDE Messages" extension from http://www.textpad.com/add-ons/index.html. I saved the old file, copied in the new DLL, but this did not make the TextPad entry magically appear in the Context menu, even after unchecking and then re-checking the Configure|Preferences option, etc. And then putting the old DLL back does not make it work, either.

I would appreciate any suggestions.
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Post by matt23498723 »

I have the same problem, but on Windows XP x64. The "TextPad" is not in its normal location, but actually on the SendTo menu. I don't think this has anything to do with dlls, just maybe the installer not putting something in the registry correctly or in the right place.
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Post by WmHBlair »

I was actually able to solve my problem, but in an extremely awkward and completely roundabout way. I just happened to notice that the deinstallation process for the previous release of TextPad did not always cause the Windows Registry entry (entries) for TextPad on the Explorer Context (right-click) menu to be removed. So, I took advantage of this, and fooled around with it until I had the old release of TextPad uninstalled, but the Registry entry (and Explorer Context menu item) still present, then installed the latest release of TextPad. TextPad doesn't know the difference nor care that it's being invoked by a Context menu entry that was actually created by a completely different installation (and release) of TextPad.

So, I'm happy. But, I suspect that the next time I go thru this process, for the next release of TextPad, the problem is simply going to come back. So, I still consider this to be an outstanding, debilitating problem. I find it amazing that no "official" response or suggestion has been received regarding this problem after so long a time, since it is obviously a bug.
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i have exactly the same problem!

Post by zfeschtli »

but how to solve this in a easy way?

thanks for any hint
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Post by helios »

Uncheck the Context menu option on the General Preferences page, click Apply/OK and then exit from TextPad. Restart TextPad, check the Context menu option and click Apply/OK.
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yes! this works great! thanks a lot!

Post by zfeschtli »

yes! this works great! thanks a lot!

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same problem

Post by evok »

i have the same problem
but i cannot check the contextmenu checkbox in Preferences because the checkbox isnt enabled (it's gray)
what could be the reason for this?
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Post by helios »

You haven't installed TextPad correctly. I suggest that you uninstall the copy you are using, and then download and install a fresh copy from our web site.
If you can't uninstall in the normal way, then just delete all the relevant folders.
Helios Software Solutions
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