I use Textpad 4.7.3 with syntax-highlighting to write LaTeX-files. The
following problem has ocurred: If I write after a keyword like \alpha an underscore to subscript the following symbol (eg. \alpha_k) the keyword isn't any longer highlighted. This problem doesn't occur with any other operator-symbols like ^ or {}. I added the underscore to the file "latex.syn" in line "OperatorChars" with no effect at all.
Is this problem a bug in TextPad and has anyone a solution to fix it? The only working trick I know is to write a space between the keyword and the underscore - but this looks very stupid.
Assuming you have created a separate document class for LaTeX files, please implement the following procedure in TextPad:
From the Configure menu choose:
1. Preferences
2. "+" sign next to Document classes
3. "+" sign next to LaTeX
4. Syntax
5. Delete the underscore from "Other characters in words"
6. Click Apply / OK.