Textpad still being developed?

General questions about using TextPad

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Textpad still being developed?

Post by djtextpaddj »

The last update listed on the website is from June 19, 2004, well over a year ago. Is this program still being worked on by anyone or has the developer given up?

Re: Textpad still being developed?

Post by paul-white »

djtextpaddj wrote:The last update listed on the website is from June 19, 2004, well over a year ago. Is this program still being worked on by anyone or has the developer given up?
Not another thread on the future of TextPad. :(

Please see the end of the thread at http://www.textpad.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6673
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Post by mo »

Yeah! This stuff starts to look a lot like 'short sellers' on financial boards.

Make sure there's one live knock-Textpad thread going at all times.

Somebody should put up a table showing the registration dates and first posts of all these threads. I've seen more than one at least where the first post and date of registration were the same.
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Post by SteveH »

Somebody should put up a table showing the registration dates and first posts of all these threads. I've seen more than one at least where the first post and date of registration were the same.
Does that make it any less valid?

If mo's theory is true then I would find it heartening that for many users their first posting to this forum is driven by interest in the future of TextPad. I have already lost count of the number of text editors I have tried and dismissed (including the Most Obvious Competitorâ„¢) with little interest in their future.
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Post by mo »

Of course it makes it/them less valid. It makes it/them meaningless. It's just there to stirr up dissatisfaction. That's not a real complaint or problem...in other words: not valid.
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Post by 75th Trombone »

mo wrote:Of course it makes it/them less valid. It makes it/them meaningless. It's just there to stirr up dissatisfaction. That's not a real complaint or problem...in other words: not valid.

I registered just today, but I've been a TextPad user for 2 years and a forum-peruser for at least 1. Whenever I've had a question I've found the answer in the forum archives -- that's a side effect of stalled development -- so I've never needed to register. I'd like to think what I have to say won't be immediately dismissed as fomenting dissent.

About the only standing question ABOUT TextPad is whether it's been entirely abandoned, so it's not surprising that new accounts are created to ask about it.

And abandonware IS a "real complaint or problem." It doesn't mean folks are getting cheated out of money, but it does indicate that it might be time to start investigating other options for yourself, and stop recommending it to other people. Particularly when the dev's only comments have been less-than-artful dodges.

Personally, I reckon what's going on is that Helios is a one-or-two-man operation, and that said man/men is/are going through an ADD-esque lack of progress, and as more time passes, it feels more and more daunting to get stuff done and releases made. It becomes a cycle of increasing dread, which overpowers whatever determination/motivation exists -- which might be plenty.

In any case, TextPad is great, but the more time goes by, the more people are going to abandon ship and the fewer people are going to board at all. I wish Helios luck, and hope that they transparentify things soon. (One idea --- a simple FAQ entry that shows how many hours ago the last CVS commit was made, as proof that TextPad isn't dead yet.)

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Post by mo »

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Post by s_reynisson »

75th Trombone wrote:Bullshit.
I utterly and completly disagree with you on this, "bullshit" is shuch an overhyped, overused and overeverything word that it just makes me wanna toss my dinner. And using a four letter word in an argument or to make a case? Probably not a good idea, but your milage may vary, it might work where you come from though.

Now, bollocks on the other hand is a proper word. Bollocks does not contain some dirty smelly four letter words like s***. Bollocks is poper and good hartfelt english. That's a word to really make a case! Yes, bollocks! Heck, it even sounds good. Yes, with lot's of bollocks the world could be a better place! So keep those four letter words in your heads only and communicate more clearly and win your case with bollocks and help make the world a better place! Bollocks, it's good for you. Got bollocks?

Bollocks, I'm out of breath, gotta stop for now.
Then I open up and see
the person fumbling here is me
a different way to be
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Post by mo »

Let's have a look at this thread:

First post is by a person who has done sufficient research to note what he considers lack of development, but he has failed to see half a dozen threads dealing with the very subject he is concerned with, including one that was current until just a couple of days ago.

(Research + No research) + (register and post on the same day) = agenda?

SteveH asks a reasonable question concerning logic which I read as:
"Does the fact that a post is a deliberate trashing of TextPad make it any the less a valid complaint?"

I explained how when the motive is to trash, the ostensible reason for the post is not what the questioner is all about and consequently the question/complaint in the post itself is not a valid one.

75th Thrombosis heard the question as: "Does the fact that a poster registered and posted his first post on the same day mean that the post is any the less valid?"

But his identification with this poster, anger, knee-jerk response, crudeness and lack of consideration make answering him a problem.

If one could get past the fact that the post itself was so written as to make it's point not the logic of it's argument, but a slap in the face intended to create an angry, irrational response, [something identical to what I say may be happening on this board with threads dealing with this topic...spread discontent...i.e., bullock excrementia], the answer would be: "No just that fact would not make the question invalid.

However that was not what I was suggesting.

What I was suggesting is that it is a pattern with people who are setting out to disrespect (a product, stock, etc) (on one of these boards) to register with a new name and post on the same day. This is how cowards act. I've seen this on other boards where there is no question this is happening, and where people are even paid to do this, and I've seen a few things that look like this on this board. That is as far as I had gone with this argument: It's possible there is an organized or disorganized scheme to keep people aware of a false flaw in a rival product by such means. It is possible that by having this pointed out, these individuals will realize shame and desist. That was the hope.

Now as for the TextPad developers: What is wrong with a two-man operation? What is wrong with working in one's own style...secretive or open, it's their way of managing their time so as to produce a work of craftsmanship. Some of us appreciate craftsmanship and have the patience to wait for it. Some of us don't.


There is an old story about a king that needed new wheels for his chariot. He went to the master-wheelright and ordered two wheels. Six months later still no wheels, so he went to check. One wheel was complete. So the king asked: "Wheelright!"

And "Yes, sire!" responded the wheelright.

"Wheelright! You have been working for six months and yet you have completed only one wheel. I am in need of two wheels right away."

"Yes sire!"

"How quickly can you make me a second wheel?"

"Come back in two weeks, sire"

So the king went away and came back in two weeks to find two new wheels.


"Yes, sire!"

"How is it, wheelright, that it took you six months to finish one wheel and only two weeks to finish the second wheel? What is the difference between the two wheels?"

In response the wheelright set rolling the wheel that took six months to construct. It rolled on in accordance with the strength of the push it was given and then it stopped, standing upright in it's tracks. Then he set rolling the wheel that took two weeks to construct. It too rolled on in accordance with the strength of the push it was given and then it wobbled on it's rim and fell over on one side.

"Wheelright! What is the reason the wheel constructed in six months rolled on in accordance with the strength of the push it was given and then stopped, standing upright in it's tracks, wheras the wheel constructed in two weeks wobbled on it's rim and fell over on one side?"

"Well, sire, the wheel that was constructed in six months was so worked as to have no flaw in it's rim, no flaw in its spokes, no flaw in it's hub; whereas the wheel that was constructed in two weeks has small flaws in it's rim, small flaws in it's spokes, small flaws in it's hub. That is the reason."


I am a person who for a long time has been relied on by many people for advice concerning all sorts of problems from business to personal. People come to me with their problems and get answers that are so effective at solving them that it looks as though there was no problem to begin with. What is the result?

People come to me for advice and yet when it comes to their opinions of me they have nothing good to say about the way I live.

But it is the way I live that gives me the detachment to deal effectively with problems!



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Post by SteveH »

SteveH asks a reasonable question concerning logic which I read as:
"Does the fact that a post is a deliberate trashing of TextPad make it any the less a valid complaint?"
I didn't see the original post as being a trashing of TextPad in any way. I too have noticed that often these queries on the future of TextPad seem to come from new forum members. My point is that, for whatever reason, the posting is about the future of the application, implying a certain interest and commitment.

I don't want to speculate too much about the motives behind such postings - it may simply be the result of looking at previous release dates; it may result from reading all the other threads and wanting to see what a new debate provokes.

At the end of the day Helios will never reveal anything in these forums in advance of a release date because that is their policy. For that reason these threads are pretty pointless, although hugely entertaining.
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Post by scrumbus »

I'm not trying to resurrect this thread, but those individuals that have used TextPad for a while and are met by its current needs tend to get defensive about questions regarding its future.

Asking that question is not only fair it's relevant for a person contemplating a purchase. Why shouldn't a person investigate how bugs are resolved and how quickly, or the number of revisions to a given product over a year, or its future. I do that for EVERY software purchase.

If it's so taboo that it never be asked.. and if Helios is firm about not saying anything with respect that there IS development taking place.. then perhaps a post indicating so should be given a sticky at the top of this forum.

Personally, I don't see the harm in having in their "Whats New" something as vague as "We are currently working on 5.0 - release timeframe is tentatively before the end of 2006". That could eliminate 80% of the questions and not reveal anyting and provide an entire year for release.

Just my opinion, disregard if you like.
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Post by leegold »

The "what's new" date is:

June 19, 2004

Almost 1 and 1/2 years ago.

There obviously is a problem. Whatever it is I hope it will rectified.
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Post by talleyrand »

TextPad 4.5 dropped 21 July 2001
TextPad 4.6 issued 3 Jan 2003
TextPad 4.7.0 released 13 July 2003
TextPad 4.7.1 distributed 29 Aug 2003
TextPad 4.7.2 introduced 5 Nov 2003
Wildedit, a brand new product from Helios, shipped 27 May 2004
TextPad 4.7.3 published 17 June 2004

As noted all across these forums, Helios does not make assertions about when a product will be released. They have said they are working on it. When it will be done is anyone's guess.

You can see from the release history that they have had 1.5 year lapses between released before. You can also see from the feature request thread that many people want all sorts of changes so we can only hope that they are listening to that list. It is also speculated that this release is pretty much a full rewrite for them.

A problem? Maybe, maybe not, it's challenging to assert that since the official information is scant.
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