NFO Addon/Plugin

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NFO Addon/Plugin

Post by divejbba »


is there also a *.nfo addon/plugin for textpad?

It takes some times files with the extension *.nfo. Into there you can find some ascii art. If i take a look into these files i can't see all informatios right. I know it takes some specially *.nfo viewers. But it would be very nice if textpad has also this functionality.

best regards
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Tomas Eklund
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Post by Tomas Eklund »

This is one of the reasons why I love TextPad. I am using TextPad to wiew NFO-files the way you want to do (I think). All you need to do is:

- get and install a font suitable for displaying extended ASCII art
- set up a NFO/DIZ character class in TextPad and tell it to use the font from the first step
- associate TextPad with NFO- and DIZ-files

The NFO font I'm using is called "MSI Console" (msifont.fon). I don't remember where I got it. Probably with some old Terminal application.

Googling I just found it here:
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Post by Hawk »

Perhaps you might want to simply remove the ASCII Art instead--here are a couple of macros to help.

After experimenting with different ways to create a macro to replace the non-ASCII characters in NFO files, I ended up with these two solutions.
Both work quite differently. Both were tested on the same 25,277 byte NFO file.

- "ReplaceNonASCIIchars" macro.
Finished processing NFO file in less than a second; the characters "melted-away" rapidly on the display

- "ReplaceNonASC2" macro.
Finished processing NFO file in about 25 seconds; display scrolled down through the text while replacing characters

The changes performed by either macro can be "undone" using the "Edit" tab and selecting "Undo".

1) "ReplaceNonASCIIchars"

Basic sequence:
1) Start recording "ReplaceNonASCIIchars" macro
2) F8
3) Copy one of characters below and "replace all" with a space
4) Continue until all have been copied and replaced
5) Select "Close", and turn off macro recording
6) Fill in "File name", "Display name", "Author", "Description", Select default play mode of "Repeat to end of file"
7) Finish saving macro

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(Note: The above macro has been submitted to the TextPad Support and will be added to the macros page at, so you may see it soon. I've included all of the steps here in case you don't want to wait.)

2) "ReplaceNonASC2"

This method uses an existing macro and adds a step. In this case, I used the "Find-non-ASCII" macro ( contributed by Michele la Monaca, 14 May 2004.

Basic sequence (after installation of "Find-non-ASCII" macro above):
1) Start recording "ReplaceNonASC2" macro
2) Select "Macros" tab and select "find non-ASCII characters" from list
3) Press space bar once
4) Turn off macro recording
5) Fill in "File name", "Display name", "Author", "Description", Select default play mode of "Repeat to end of file"
6) Finish saving macro

The last method takes advantage of TextPad's ability to link together existing macros, add additional steps, etc., to form larger, more powerful macros. The ability to have a library of reusable macros available for this purpose makes this a rather unique and powerful function of this editor.

Hope this helps.
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