TextPad 5?

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TextPad 5?

Post by ds0934 »

The most recent "Announcement" is dated 2004. Is this the end for TextPad? Will a 5.0 ever be released? I love this editor and really would like to pin my future on it if it will continue to evolve and improve. It seems like other editors are putting out more frequent updates and adapting to integrate things like LDAP/ADSI interfacing, WMI, MSH/Monad, MSI, Intellisense, registry browsers and the like. If TP5 isn't likely, that would help me at least decide what to look towards. Tell me TP5 is coming.

Re: TextPad 5?

Post by paul-white »

ds0934 wrote:The most recent "Announcement" is dated 2004.
See the end of this thread - http://www.textpad.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6367 - posted just a couple of months ago.
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Post by ds0934 »

Thanks, that sort of calms me down, kind of. I would still prefer to see some teaser statement to the effect "it's coming!", let alone some rough date. Not even *really* knowing *if* it's coming is the most painful aspect for me.

For what it's worth, I'm always trying out other editors. The latest being PrimalScript 3.1. I've read the stuff on 4.0 also, which isn't available yet. I don't like how Sapien presets the language stack and font options. Too rigid. TP is so flexible. One magazine rating gave TP a poor rating because it didn't come with predefined syntax and snippet libraries. I immediately blasted the author an e-mail letting him know there's plenty available for free download if he just bothered to look. That was his only "negative" comment also. Cost, Flexibility, Features... it rocks. I would really like the new features I see posted in the forums as well, just like everyone else I'm sure. However, some missing features are making me work more than I should to get around them. I can't wait forever.
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Post by ds0934 »

I feel like I'm in the movie "Cinderella Man", cheering my editor on as he's having a bit of a tough time in the ring. "C'mon! Get up!"

Oh, in case I forgot to grovel enough: If there's a need for alpha or beta testers - pick me! pick me! I test products all the time and am very familiar with the general process. I have a good test lab also. (shameless begging) :roll:
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Post by webber123456 »

Problem is, they've waited so long, expectations are now enormous and unlikely to be met

That's why frequent incremental releases are more successful.
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Post by ds0934 »

That makes a lot of sense actually. Software releases are so difficult in terms of making people happy. They're either too frequent or not frequent enough. Even updates/patches are that way. No two people can agree on what a "reasonable" interval is.
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Post by ninjalabs »

"When it's done" should be the answer.

Some words on versioning. TextPad is labelled version 4.7.3 or x.y.z translating as follows... Here is what you should see from the versioning:

x changes -> rewrite/major functional change
y changes -> new feature/functionality in existing codebase
z changes -> bug fixes. Explicitly no feature additions (only removals if they turned out to be crap).

Textpad 5 is a *major* version jump. You would expect this to be for a large functional difference or rewrite. I'd rather see TextPad 4.8 based on the existing TextPad codebase with some new, well thought out, life-saving features rather than a rewrite which will acheive not much for the end user other than another wadge of cash out of your wallets.

I'd expect to see TextPad 5 in about 3 years when Windows Vista has stabilised and WinFS makes an appearance on the scene. I'd expect to see a functionally different user interface and a new way of working probably with a XAML based UI and written in managed C++ or C# (or not as it's not a secure way of distributing your application as it can be very easily reverse engineered).

But that ultimately is up to Helios and their business model.

In conclusion:

a) wait for something to change meaning that it is worth bumping to version 5 (and paying more money for it). Windows NT4 -> 2003 are functionally pretty much the same with more gubbins bolted on. Windows Vista+ are significantly different so we're looking at a forced upgrade of all software APIs then...

b) Don't compare to other editors which are on versions greater than 4 - they need to rethink their versioning. Look what Microsoft do with 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 versions etc. Makes it visibly easier for them to sell an upgrade based on the "fear of obselecense" (apologies for my spelling if that is wrong). Same with editplus/ultraedit etc on version 912312323 or whatever it is which is 500x 50UKP upgrades further down the line.

c) Just use it and enjoy :)

Thank you and good afternoon :)
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Post by ds0934 »

Ok. Normally I would agree with your comments, but a few beg for a reply (I promise not to flame or incite, only flavor it up a bit) :wink:

I would be just as happy to see a 4.8 at this point. 4.7.3 has been around for a looooooooooooooooong time with respect to making small, incremental feature improvements. "When it's ready" doesn't work for MS either. If that was the case, Longhorn/Vista wouldn't be out until 2008 if not later. Just the fact they've stripped so many features out (from what was touted at PDC'03), shows they're aiming for a date deadline, not a feature deadline. Typical with MS, and we pay dearly for it with rapid follow-up patches, sp's, hotfixes.

I don't compare TP to other editors based on version number. I compare based on "current version features". I do use TP almost exclusively and enjoy it very much. That doesn't mean I can't wish for more. I love my kids, but I expect them to strive for greater things as they grow up also. Resting on one's laurels doesn't work well in the long run.

Ok, I'm done. I won't post anymore on this topic. Thanks everyone! :P
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Post by webber123456 »

Marketing and sales people generally agree that if you leave it up to the engineers a product will never be released because they're always fixing "just one more thing".

Their recommendation is to "shoot the engineers and get the product out to market".
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Post by Dracos »

I agree that 4.8 would be great, but even more than that, it would just be refreshing to see some kind of response from Helios in here. Just being quiet in all these threads is quite disconcerting. The very last thing I have seen from Helios on this topic is May 11, 2005, and that was just to say:

"Very perceptive of you talleyrand and s_reynisson. Having more
or less hit the nail on the head, I think this is an appropriate
time to bring this thread to a close."

That was in response to those two individuals giving assumptions and speculations. To me, their response translates to them just wanting the thread to end, and not give any information on whats going on. I mean they could have at least pointed out which item was hitting the nail on the head. Are they waiting for Longhorn? Are they just implementing a "host of gee-whiz functionality from the most wanted list" and are trying to perfect it? Are they "rewriting the entire thing from scratch" as talleyrand suggested? Is it a combination of the above items or none at all?

I think if Helios just posted a single response in here explaining just a item or two it would probably satisfy quite a number of their customers. At least I know it would make me feel better to just hear from them. They dont have to give away any features or anything like that, just let us know they are listening.

I await with eager anticipation for the next release as well, and I will continue using Textpad in the meantime, and I also will continue to hold hope for a Helios reply to these postings.
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Post by Jan Paul »

In the last post from Helios there was the suggestion that they will wait with a new TextPad release until Longhorn (or what name MS has given it this time) will be there.
This leads to two possibilities:
- Version 4.8 will be out then, just a patch release and maybe a look-and-feel update, aka a 64 bit versioning of the current release.
- A new version 5.0 which will have (a lot of) new improvements (see the suggestions forum about what maybe in there).
I hope it will be the 5.0 version.
Since the new version of Windows is expected summer 2006 we have to wait at least a year to get a newer version of TextPad.
At that moment, TextPad 4 will be 7 years old...

It seams the new TextPad release is like the holy grail: just beyond reach.

As stated before: a company who takes their customers seriously should at least give some insight in development. A rough timetable would be very nice and appriciated. Some early beta release would make my day! (year?)...

So Helios, please make a statement other than "those who wait"...
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Post by bgclarke »

webber123456 wrote:Marketing and sales people generally agree that if you leave it up to the engineers a product will never be released because they're always fixing "just one more thing".

Their recommendation is to "shoot the engineers and get the product out to market".
Believe me, the last thing you want is marketing people driving product development.

I suffered with that years ago when I worked in the IT department at a financial institutuion.

As a result of that episode, I have little to no respect for marketing and sales types :wink:
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Helios, please respond to your customers.

Post by Cloink »

Helios, please respond to your customers.

...Not that I am actually a customer. Last year I decided to wait for TP5 before switching from the free download to the licensed version. The response I had from your sales@ddress seemed to suggest TP5 was on the horizon, and additionally that even if I bought TP4 a day before TP5 came out, I'd still have to pay to upgrade. Of course I was never going to do that.

Some of these posts seem to suggest that TP5 might be specifically for Longhorn or at least a 64bit platform, which I don't need so would be quite happy sticking with TP4 in the main.

So. You really do need to advertise what TP5's all about. Don't get me wrong, I hate - nay despise - marketing, but it sounds to me like you're losing customers - and you missed an opportunity to gain this one 9months ago. What will TP5 give me that TP4.7 does not? And when?

Finally, how do I log bugs? I have some that ain't in the list of known bugs, nor is it in the list of fixes between 4.7.2>4.7.3. Do I need a licensed version before I can log bugs?

For the record, they are (I'm using 4.7.2, but as I said, they're not mentioned in the fixes in 4.7.3):

1. ctrl-F used withOUT the Find-dialogue open WITH text selected containing a character that disables 'match whole words' tries to match whole words if that option was selected the last time you had the Find-dialogue open.

2. Find In Files used with a list of files held in a text file, searches each file in the list 26 times over. Is it something to do with what is entered into the Directory field? - which is of course redundant when a list of files is given with absolute paths.

2.1 I've also seen Find In Files NOT find files when it should, but I can't remember the exact situation now. I think it involved files that were open, searched, saved, re-searched.

3. I've tried adding a LINK to a DOS command into my Tools, but (a) it's very frustrating because it assumes I want to add 'cmd.exe' - and now I've got bored of trying to force it to go to the link cos I can't remember how - so (b) I can't reproduce the error message, but it reports something like "Attempted to reference an unnamed token." The reason I want to reference the LINK and not just issue a dos cmd is because dos cmds use the default font, screen buffer size etc; plus if I change the exact options in the link, I don't want to have to change them in TP too.

I do like your product and will buy it as soon as I know whether to go for TP5 or stick with 4.

Many thanks.
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Post by Dracos »

9 days since this thread was started. No reply from Helios yet.

Helios, are you there?? Hello??
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Post by ninjalabs »

They are probably on holiday - I know I should be! It's summer holiday here in the UK at the moment where people nip off to foreign lands (like Bognor) to trash hotels (if you can call them that) and leave pools of vomit everywhere...

Log bugs here:


Select "Bug Report" from the Type dropdown. They are very responsive usually - I've had replies the same day.
TextPad redneck since 1999.
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