Highlight Status Bar when 'Search Passed End of File'

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Highlight Status Bar when 'Search Passed End of File'

Post by pokomoko »

I can't easily see the text "Search Passed End of File" when doing a search, so sometimes I keep going around and around, and then I feel stupid. Can you highlight the status bar in a bright red (or let user define color), or maybe a pop up window that says "End of file. OK.", and if you press return you can keep searching if you want, but at least you know you've gone around once.

Thanks, this would be very helpful,
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Post by ben_josephs »

Not exactly what you asked for, but will Configure | Preferences | View | Audible alerts do?
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Post by pokomoko »

Thanks for the suggestion, though I guess I my computer must not have sound, or it's so low I can't hear it, because Audible Alerts was already checked. I guess I look into my sound problem.
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Post by dbartow »

The audible alerts for searching past end of file no longer work for some reason. The best I know is to use the visual alerts, at least that is better than nothing. Anyone got any clues as to why the audible alerts have stopped?
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