.net compiler

General questions about using TextPad

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Post by webmasta »

ummmm, your code dont seem familiar and it doesnt compile from the cmd prompt , you might want to check that syntax again.

This is correct AFAIK:
public class FirstClass
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
I tried compiling yours from TP and got :
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Standard Compiler Version 13.10.3077 for .NET Framework
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1984-2002. All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LIBCMT.lib'

Tool completed with exit code 2
And it errors from the cmd prompt using .cpp and .cs extensions.


Post by bveldkamp »

Sorry, I don't think I can be of any more help here.

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Post by webmasta »

ok, and thnx for the interest... I gave up trying to get TP to compile my code /

My apologies, I also just realized we are doing different languages .. I am doing C#, I think you are persuing C++, no?.

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Post by Drxenos »

webmasta wrote:ok, and thnx for the interest... I gave up trying to get TP to compile my code /

My apologies, I also just realized we are doing different languages .. I am doing C#, I think you are persuing C++, no?.

You do realize that to use MS command-line tools you must have the environment setup properly? They have a batch file included to do this for you, though I forget the name. If you didn't setup this environment so TextPad is "aware" of it, you compiles will fail. Best way to do this is probably create a batch file that calls the MS batch file, then lauched TextPad.
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Post by ninjalabs »

In fact, just add the SDK bin directory and the \windows\microsoft.net\framework\v1.1.x\ directories to your system's path. Works fine.

I have Nant ( http://nant.sourceforge.net/ ) wired into textpad for building stuff with. Works great.

My .Net development environment for you...

- Win2k3 Server (as workstation)
- Textpad 4.7.3
- TortoiseSVN for source control
- Nant for building
- Nunit for testing
- Ndoc for documentation

Whole lot wired into Textpad tools.

I'm using it to build and release manage three *huge* C# projects with no difficulties. The key is the build tool - it can do the whole process for you.
TextPad redneck since 1999.
NinjaLabs is now CSWD Limited!
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