Under Linux.... ....Textpad or bust!

Ideas for new features

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Under Linux.... ....Textpad or bust!

Post by MLJM1961 »

Our company is migrating everyone from Windows to Linux too.

I've used Textpad for years and love it. I definetly agree with others that text editors under Linux are currently quite lacking. I'd love to see Textpad ported to Linux.

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i agree

Post by elric »

I love textpad! and when I think of going linux-only on my next machine (at home AND at work), textpad is the only thing I will truly miss. It's too bad, because more likely than not, I will leave textpad behind :(
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Post by JustinHoMi »

I hear ya :(.
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The Spook
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Post by The Spook »

I agree, a Linux version would rock very much. Nothing on Linux compares to TextPad. I primarily use TextPad at work, and use Kate on my Linux box at home, but it doesn't compare.
Daniel M. Hendricks
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linux text editors

Post by compilethis »

Hi There;

I have to disagree with the post that says linux isnt bundled with any good text editors. You just have to know where they are.

Two favorites if mine are Kate and KEdit. Open up a shell in your linux enviro and type;


this will open a very rich text editor that has won some awards.

number two in my list of favorites is KEdit, can also be opened from the command line by typing;


If you switch to linux and want to find out just what apps you cant live without go to:

www.kde-apps.org, you'll find tonnes of stuff you cant live without.
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Re: linux text editors

Post by s_reynisson »

I've used both on the FC/RH distros and IMHO they don't even begin to compare with TP. Alas! TP is just about the last thing holding on to me here in Gatesland. ;)
compilethis wrote:...Two favorites if mine are Kate and KEdit. ...
Then I open up and see
the person fumbling here is me
a different way to be
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Post by compilethis »

you are right, TPad has some real advantages. I think that most people who know linux well enough wouldnt use some of the options given in textpad. For example, people who are starting to use Java would like the compile and run menu options in TPad, your average linux dude always has a shell open and likely wouldnt bother with this....

Im actually writing a Java app, that will be an combo text/graphics editor. If I can work out some final issues in the next while, I'll compile my own editor in linux and be done with it.
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Under Linux.... ....Textpad or bust!

Post by aztrix »

Howzit Folks?

Don't despair, TextPad is a piece of cake to install and use with linux.

Easy to install:

In the Console execute the following: "sudo wine <path>/txpeng473.exe"

To use just click on the wine menu item or "wine textpad"


PS Tip: assosciate .exe with wine in linux makes life even simpler. :o

Using SuSE 9.2 and it rocks! 8)
S. Harrison
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NEdit is a good TextPad equivalent

Post by S. Harrison »

S. Harrison
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Post by prj »

Moved completely over to Linux a while ago and am really missing TP.

Tried running in Wine which sort of worked but a full port would be much nicer.
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