Syntax coloring

General questions about using TextPad

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Syntax coloring

Post by victorf »

I am using PICmicroASM.syn as the syntax file and I have it in the USER folder where my other .syn files are stored. I am using TP 4.7.2 and have been a user for quite a few years. I am unable to get the systax coloring to work even though I have enabled that in the preferences. I also have a .syn for my pascal editing and the color works with my .pas files. What is going on?

Any enlightenment will be appreciated.

Vic Fraenckel
Victor Fraenckel
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Post by MudGuard »

is the file you edit really in the document class you expect it to be in?

There is afaik no direct way to check which document class a file is in, but have a look at
View - Document Properties - Syntax
and look what it says there.

You could also check under Configure - Preferences - Document classes.
Click on the Class names - starting from the last class. On the righthand side of the dialog there is a list of file wildcards which are in the document class.
If you find a matching file wildcard for your file before you reached the appropriate document class you know why syntax coloring does not work.
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Post by victorf »


I did all that you suggested with no results. I have been trying things to try and solve the problem. The file type I want to edit is set to *.asm and in this file type the comments are denoted by the semicolon (;) all that follows one is a comment. I set the comment color to red and checked the .syn file, PICmicroASM, the CommentStart is set to ; and CommentEnd is set to nothing. A test file shows the semicolon red but nothing following it is red though.

I must admit I am stumped. Any thoughts?

Victor Fraenckel
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Post by victorf »


I did all that you suggested with no results. I have been trying things to try and solve the problem. The file type I want to edit is set to *.asm and in this file type the comments are denoted by the semicolon (;) all that follows one is a comment. I set the comment color to red and checked the .syn file, PICmicroASM, the CommentStart is set to ; and CommentEnd is set to nothing. A test file shows the semicolon red but nothing following it is red though.

I must admit I am stumped. Any thoughts?

Victor Fraenckel
victorf AT windreader DOT com
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Post by MudGuard »

AFAIK comments that start on a character (or character combination) and end with the line break should be defined per

SingleComment ;
SingleCommentAlt ;

not with CommentStart/CommentEnd or CommentStartAlt/CommentEndAlt
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