This is a bit of an unusual question. I am attempting to run TextPad under Linux using the code Weavers Crossover product. And I'm having some success.
But - when I try to put in the license data - it crashed the application.
Has anyone had any success at running TextPad under Linux?
Textpad under Linux
Moderators: AmigoJack, bbadmin, helios, Bob Hansen, MudGuard
Registry Copying ?
Kool - how did you do that?
It's been awhile, and I no longer have Linux on my machine. What I remember doing is this: I would set TextPad up the way I wanted it in Windows, and copied down the Registry entries. I would then boot into Linux and manually enter the entries. Not very efficient, but sinces (in my very humble opinion) Linux has NO decent text editors, I was desperate.