Using one set of tool settings for all users on 1 PC

General questions about using TextPad

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Using one set of tool settings for all users on 1 PC

Post by doctored »

I accidentally posted this on the Java forum but it really belongs here. I have seen a number of posts that touch on the issue I am running into but they all seem to be slightly different. I have set up the TextPad tools options for Java, VB, C++, etc. while being logged on as the administrator of the machine. I would like any user who logs onto the machine to have the same tool settings that I have set up for TextPad as the administrator. When I log on as another user only the Java tools show up. I have a feeling this deals with the registry but before trying some things I thought I would pass it by the forum. Any ideas on what might be happening or possible solutions would be appreciated.
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Post by helios »

The solution is to configure TextPad as required, and then exit from it. Run Regedit.exe and export the following key to a file:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4

Open the File in TextPad, and edit it using the Replace dialog box.

Click Replace All

Save the file, but before doing this, check that the option to "Write Unicode and UTF-8 BOM" is ticked for the particular document class, on the options Preferences page.

Double click the file in Explorer, and enter the information into the Registry.

Any user should now have access to the same tools as the Administrator, as long as TextPad hasn't been started previously under their user name. If it has, then they will need to exit from TextPad, run Regedit.exe and delete the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4\Docking

After restarting TextPad, the tools should be available.

I hope this helps.
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Feature suggestion: Taking advantage of system wide setting

Post by seaktf »

I'd posted a question some time ago in another forum:

I've just got a reply that this one is relevant. Indeed, it's relevant.

I've noticed two things:

1) If I guess correctly, the HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT behaves similarly to
C:\Document and Settings\default user\
I mean they are some sort of templates and when a user first starts TextPad (or respectively a new user profile is created), all necessary info is cloned from them. But all future modifications to these place has no effect unless they destroy the registry key (resp. the profile). But for the case of user profile, we could make use of
C:\Document and Settings\all users\
which is not the case of TextPad

only License key is used.

So my point/suggestion is simple for future Textpad versions:
Make use of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Helios\TextPad 4\
registry key to hold system-wide document classes and/or configs. And then Textpad reads from
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4\
to read over-riding configs.
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Post by RichardBronosky »

helios wrote:Any user should now have access to the same tools as the Administrator, as long as TextPad hasn't been started previously under their user name. If it has, then they will need to exit from TextPad, run Regedit.exe and delete the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4\Docking

After restarting TextPad, the tools should be available.
This really needs to be fixed. Their must re a better way to transport a custom configuration to multiple users or in my case hundreds of machines.

1. Fix the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4\Docking" issue. Modify TextPad so that you do not have to DELETE registry entries to achieve the goal.
2. Add a tool to export the appropriate reg file. This way it can be placed on a network share and ran on any machine that I want to use it with.

However, I think that the registry model is bad for this all together. There should be a conf folder or file within the "\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\TextPad" folder that can easily be transported and used regardless of the machine, user, or user administrative privileges.

I admit, I know squat about Windows >98. I try to use it as little as possible, but I do a boat load of testing on it. It'd be nice if I didn't need to be a Microsoft Guru to get my text editor the way I want it.

I have hundreds of boxes with VIM configured perfectly. I'm not saying VIM (or *Nix) is easy, but I can "scp; tar -C ~ -zxf vimconf.tgz" in about 4 seconds.

TextPad needs an "export conf" function and an "import conf" function. To make it really rock, make the import support web paths.
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Post by s_reynisson »

RichardBronosky wrote:TextPad needs an "export conf" function and an "import conf" function. To make it really rock, make the import support web paths.
Yeah, I have high hopes for the next major version, feel free to vote over here,
(this poll was in fourth place overall last time the change request list was created)
Then I open up and see
the person fumbling here is me
a different way to be
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