TP473/WE11 first impressions

General questions about using TextPad

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TP473/WE11 first impressions

Post by s_reynisson »

Let me be the first to offer you my congrats! Surely you are on the right track with both tools. Windows based only and you've got the attention of some *nix users! AFAIK that breed likes to "combine some simple tools into one great one". Yeah, that sums it up neatly for me. Keep it up!

Is it just me or is TP473 starting up faster, esp. with those little every day web/txt files?

And on to my nagging. I know that most of the users here on the forums are "programming geeks" or something of that sort. So I'd like to have seen more improvements on something else than those blessed spell checkers! :wink:
Then I open up and see
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Re: TP473 first impressions

Post by skaemper »

I can't 'judge' WildEdit - I use Ruby for that kind of jobs...
s_reynisson wrote:Let me be the first to offer you my congrats!
Yes. I second that.
s_reynisson wrote:Is it just me or is TP473 starting up faster, esp. with those little every day web/txt files?
Well, it seems to be faster here too.
s_reynisson wrote:And on to my nagging. I know that most of the users here on the forums are "programming geeks" or something of that sort. So I'd like to have seen more improvements on something else than those blessed spell checkers! :wink:
You're so right. I'd love to see some improvements at least in the top five of the enhancement suggestions Jeffy so kindly generates:
jeffy in another thread in the 'Enhancement suggentions forum' wrote:...

Code: Select all

000  1    3764  {75 38 11 5  3 }  132 177  4.340   Expand/Collapse blocks of text
000  2    3775  {78 27 4  2  3 }  114 175  4.535   Editable Macros
000  3    3773  {38 21 8  3  0 }  70  94   4.342   Additional attributes for syntax hig...
++1  4    4447  {40 7  2  1  1 }  51  84   4.647   Export/Import Textpad settings
--1  5    4216  {36 13 10 4  3 }  66  75   4.136   Treeview in the document selector
Improve TextPad in these issues and we mostly-programming-users will be greatly pleased :D

...until we find something new we could wish for :wink:


A former colleague

Post by tacke »

Hi there,
I was really aspect more improvements for this new release, moreover after so much long time of in activities.
I use for search/replace a nice tool instead of WildEdit. The name is:Search and Replace (
I have no idea WHY is so slow to implement a lot of requested features !
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Search and Replace

Post by skaemper »


when it comes to repeatedly manipulating text files (and in many places per file) I recommend a language which is capable of doing that.
Perl, Python and Ruby (in alphabetical order...) are examples of languages that can di that (and a lot more!).

Personally I prefer Ruby for serveral reasons (which I won't discuss here - it's a matter of personal taste, existing knowledge and code...).

So I'd like to see the editor specific improvements to be implemented, rather than features I can get from other products.
An example or two:

I'd rather like to see improvements of the syntax highlighting (italics and bold face, highlighting of strings comments, regular expressions...) than a perfect spell checker.
I'd prefer to see 'code folding' soon, but would even wait for editable macros (and I posted that suggestion :wink: )


A former colleague
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