Unicode support

General questions about using TextPad

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Unicode support

Post by Francois »


A basic question. I have a multilingual file (with Japanese, Chinese, Cyrillic, Arabic and Greek characters) encoded in utf-8 and also in utf-16.

How do I open these two files, edit and save them with Textpad?

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Post by s_reynisson »

Using Search I found this and that. See this post on typing UNICODE.
Hope that helps!
Then I open up and see
the person fumbling here is me
a different way to be
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Post by ben_josephs »

TextPad is not a Unicode editor. In a single document you can only view characters that are represented in a single font and script. You can set the script with
View | Document Properties | Font | Script
I believe this means that you can't, for example, view Chinese and Arabic characters in one document at one time.

As Unicode becomes more widely used, TextPad will have to become more Unicode-friendly if it is not to lose many of its current users and if it is to gain many new users.
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Unicode/UTF-8 needed!

Post by lindamarcella »

Today I copied some code from the web for a project on multilingual websites that had English and Hebrew interspersed. I saved it in UTF-8 from Word. IT looked fine in Word and fine in the browser.

When I reopen it in Word, word detects the <html> tag at the beginning and adds all kinds of garbage, so I don't want to save it again. I guess there is a DreamWeaver option to remove Windows garbage but I don't have DreamWeaver.

So then, I try opening the HTML file in TextPad by specifying UTF-8 in the Open dialog. But when I look at it, it changes the Hebrew letters to ????s It gives me a message that this is not in CP1252 format - yes, I know, what an odd message, as I have just specified UTF-8.

If I save the file, then view it again in a browser, now all the Hebrew characters have been replaced by ???s.

Please support Unicode/UTF-8 soon.
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Post by AndrewB »

I would also like better unicode support.

I had to download a few unicode editors from a google search to finally get one that could edit an INI file without messing it up.
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