Can not open all files from a saved workspace

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Can not open all files from a saved workspace

Post by SamBarr »

I just bought a new XP machine.
I had TextPad 4.5.0 on my old Win98/SE system.
I had 24 files open on the old system and when I reboot
and go back into TextPad all 24 files were reopened.

Now, with XP and TextPad 4.7.2, when I open TextPad,
only four of the files are opened and they are "normal"
sized instead of all maximized. The program does make a
noise when loading but there are no messages indicating

I do have Configure/Preferences/General/"Reload last space...

I have attempted to add just one file, go out and back in
but it returns to the same files. When I remove a file and save,
it work normally and reopens the remaining files so I know that
"Workspace Save" works for some combination of files.

Many of my files have special characters if that matters.
The one that I tried to add and save was;

I don't know if that matters but it worked well in 4.5.0 and
I need help now.

Thank you,
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Post by s_reynisson »

There is a HOW-TO here
The last paragraph mentions a common problem.

Also, can it be that on your new system some of the files are read-only?
If so try checking "open locked files read only" from Configure->Preferences-File dialog. Perhaps even set the ignore option? HTH
Then I open up and see
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Post by SamBarr »

Thank you for your help.

The files are not read only. I open them, make changes
and then do a "workspace save".

I just looked at the .TWS file and it contains ALL of the files
and appears to be the same format as the old one.
I can see all of the files but do not know what the "other"
characters are/mean.

Then when I re-open, it fails to open them. I click on file
and they are listed in the "recent" files and I can open them.
They are just failing to open.

Is there any problem with special characters in the path/file
names ?

Thanks for all help,
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Post by s_reynisson »

Just created C:\!testing with six dummy files named !testing.txt etc. Created the workspace !testing.tws with all the files. No problems w/TP472/XPproSP1.
Edit: Just one thing, I moved the tws file to another folder and when I double click it there TP opens none of the files in it and "The program does make a noise when loading but there are no messages indicating failure." Happens with "normal" character filenames also.
Then I open up and see
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Post by SamBarr »

My .TWS file is in C:\!\Junk.tws
I have a shortcut which opens this file.

I used the same naming on the old system and have not
moved the .tws on this system. I have tried to create
several other named tws files but they have all been in
the same folder.

I use the ! marks for MY folders as opposed to system
folders. I also the ! in text file names as an "index" file
for a folder. When I revisit a folder after a long time, I open
the "index" text file to see what I had done before. Not all
of my files have special characters but a lot of the ones that
I use in TextPad are these "index" files.

Can you tell what happened when you opened the tws that
you had moved ??

I just closed added a file
C:\BarrSam\webdocs\PHOTOS\AHS\AHSEMAIL new.HTM
to an existing two files;
D:\!Olympus D490\!!!Two\!Favorites\$$$Level.txt
C:\!\JUNK Sony Viao.txt
then I saved and close.
It then opened with all three.

Adding a fourth file
C:\!Download\TextPad\TextPad Ideas.txt
leaving and coming back gave me the three files not maximized ??

Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for the help,
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Post by s_reynisson »

Eearlier, when I moved the tws file and double clicked it, TP started with a sound but opens none of the files. Now I create the following:

Code: Select all

The folders:                         The filenames:
C:\!                                 JUNK Sony Viao.txt
C:\!Download\TextPad                 TextPad Ideas.txt
C:\BarrSam\webdocs\PHOTOS\AHS        AHSEMAIL new.HTM
D:\!Olympus D490\!!!Two\!Favorites   $$$Level.txt
All in the same workspace, no problems here.
Hmm, did another test by moving the tws file, this time from C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop to C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\tmp and now I can open it from both locations. :roll:
Then I open up and see
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Post by SamBarr »

OK, I guess that I will re-install and start from scratch.
I never had a problem before so it must be something that
I am doing here in the new environment.
I will start with one file and build back up.

Is there any kind of log that show what TP is trying to do at
open workspace time ?

Thank you very much for your time and effort,
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open workspace ignores some files

Post by McWilliamsPete »

i have the same problem, but just managed to get an error message.

i (re-)open the workspace:

this contains the file:

error message:
Cannot open "C:\McWx\_MDL\dExp\dExp_cmd.r

perhaps the TP-people can now help.

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addendum: open workspace ignores some files

Post by McWilliamsPete »

now that i think about it: the problem just might be since installing TP 4.7.2.

and by the way: the error is under XP SP1 and under Win95

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Post by SamBarr »


I tried an number of things but could not beat it.

I reinstalled and started a new workspace.
It has been working fine since.

Sam Barr
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open workspace ignores some files (still)

Post by McWilliamsPete »

i have just created a new example with a reproduction of the error. unfortunately i find no way to attach the zip-file to this post, so i'll just describe what i do:

set up two directories: C:\test and C:\test_ABC

add some simple files to C:\test, such as doc1.txt, doc2.txt and doc3.txt

define (save) a workspace test-WS.tws as C:\test\test-WS.tws

add some more simple files, but now to C:\test_ABC

i have various options set, such as "reload last workspace at start up" and "working folder follows active document".

if i now exit TP (4.7.2), and then re-start, the files in C:\test_ABC are not displayed and i get beeped at.

at a 2nd re-start there is, of course, no more error, unless i load the missing files by opening them individually and re-starting again.

i can no longer get the error message which i did once have. i no longer know how i did that last week.

perhaps the TP-people can do something with this information. please do not forget to use an underscore in the 2nd directory name (i'm superstitious under MS operating systems).

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more "open workspace ignores some files"

Post by McWilliamsPete »

p.s.: i did follow sam's advice to re-install. the only advantage that brought was that i had an opportunity to enter all my class preferences again.
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open workspace ignores some files

Post by McWilliamsPete »

hey helios,

isn't this forum being monitored by you? is there a chance that i might be replied to in the near future?

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open workspace ignores some files

Post by McWilliamsPete »


purely by chance i noticed that a new version (4.73) is available for download (nobody told me about it).

it seems to solve our problem.

enjoy it,
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