- You must enable "Overwrite original files directly.." from Configure | Prefs | File. To verify for yourself TextPad is doing what it's supposed to, perform the following tests on your *nix system.
- Create a simple text file. Set the permissions how you like.
Type 'ls -li filename' and note the inode number (first column)
Edit the file in TextPad, save changes
Type 'ls -li filename' and see if the inode number is the same.
- TextPad is only 1/2 the story: if you find your permissions are still being modified when you edit the file you'll need to make some changes on the samba side.
- Edit your smb.conf file and add the following to the global section:
Restart samba
Code: Select all
[global] map archive = no map hidden = no map system = no
To get more information on the "map XXX" commands in samba, type 'man smb.conf' on your *nix system. If you don't have the "map" options, upgrade your version of samba.
These tests were done with Samba 2.2.8.