"Find in Files" and binary files

Ideas for new features

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"Find in Files" and binary files

Post by textpadfan »

(I submitted this a while back via email, but just discovered the forums, so am re-submitting here.)

Can you make your "Find in Files" option consider "Binary files" to be those that are defined in "Document Class/Binary"? (Currently, it seems to think that binary files are only those with a null in them.) There are a lot of file types that are binary-like, and I don't want them searched e.g. Java .class files and Textpad .tws files. But since these don't have nulls, they get searched, and I get lots of junk back from Find in Files.

Sharing a common definition of a binary file between Document Class and Find in Files provides the user the best control this aspect of TextPad.
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Post by gracefool »

Sounds like a good idea - makes a lot of sense and should be easy to implement.
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oh really...?

Post by swingkid »

Took me until this post to realize that WASN'T how the feature worked! That explains why I keep getting class files in my search though I thought I "added" the type by adding *.class
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